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Everything posted by rafaelmfernandez

  1. Im doing this for the community, so dont come complaining to me about copyright this copyright that.. Im doing this so people can enjoy the benfits like I was able too. Building models only for now. What you need: Zmodeller (full copy) 3ds max, blender 3d or any other 3d modding program that can export in 3ds or obj. Real expierience in Mapping, Modelling, scaling and the programs Full copy if Grand Theft Auto 4 Spark IV 1: go into Spark IV, theres a bunch of files and such. Your going to want to find ones called manhat01 etc shouldnt be too hard to find. If you double click the img the models inside will come up. 2: click on the model you are looking for, it will show you it in a default 3d mode (maybe textured maybe not) 3 go back to the browser and export the model (preferrably one with a full texture) or else it will be extremely complicated 4 This is where it gets hard. you should now have a .wdr model and import it into zmod. If you know how to remap all the textures in zmod then this should be a breeze. If not then learn. There is a texture browser on the top. Click that then shift select all the textures and save them in a folder with your model and remap it with those. Its complicated 5 You will have to remap the textures onto the Entire model. For buildings theres about 10+ textures to map on so this will take a while. 6 once done in whatever program you are in export it back into zmod (make sure when you export and import in the end that there is no mesh split) or if your already there. 7 Now its time for scaling. Import a model from whatever mod your modding as a reference. Such as another building or truck. Go to exact transform and scale then click on the model. You will have x,y, andz axis scales figure it out on your own 8: once you have the model scaled, retextured, and ready for export you should pat yourself on the back and feel relieved. Export it as a v30 and make sure the name in zmod and the name your exporting as are the same. Its critical to export into a folder where the textures its textured with are in. 9: open the editor and your mod. Create a new prototype and find the new model. It should be good to go 10: add your fire objects and lights and its good sorry for my rough tutorial but its better than nothing. Hopefully yall can have some respect and yes we converted alot of gta buildings but it took 1 hour + for each building so you are looking at 40 hours + on working on new buildings. Its not that easy. Good luck guys.
  2. Sorry for double post.. PREVIEW ON BATTALION & RADIO COMMANDS http://www.youtube.c...le?feature=mhee It will be up in 5 minutes
  3. Just to clear things up with everyone, yes we use GTA IV buildings thats it. Besides Hoppahs scripts and GTA building models everything else the manhattan mod team had made. No we have not made a script on our own from bottom to top but we sure as hell can do anything better than you will ever be able to. Modding, the word MODding! Changing or altering things! Not making a whole new game and selling it as your own! We simply used the building models to save time! We moddeled and textured the firehouses ourselves. We moddelled and textured the fire trucks our selves (besides Nnico's models) we did more than you ever will. We simply converted buildings for everyones sake. Making every custom building from scratch would take months and months like the new york modification is doing. We simply want people to have something of high quality and detail to play. So "this is the most sucking mod" is not gonna cut it my friend, im pretty sure just the other day you were begging to be allowed on the beta and clan,go climb in your tree and stay there, you are not welcome back. I will be sure you will never have the download once released. Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.
  4. As a fellow modder reaching out to the modding community, I have a few questions id like to ask. My main question is, is there any possible way to have longer lasting fires? Ive checked in parameters, scripts and lang folders and fire objects, I cant seem to find an option anywhere. Id like my buildings to burn longer without turning into smug. Is there anyway to make buildings burn longer without burning out? My second question is more advanced. We are trying to have the tower ladders animated and functioning by release and since me and dyson have no idea how to animate ive come up with an idea. Like the la mod did with the tiller and rescue crane when the unit is installed the model is actually backwards but that leaves the basket to be animated because its supposed to stay parralel to the ground. Any ideas?
  5. Basically its a transportable clip board that you can put the buildings blue prints, take role of units moving in and out and many other important things.
  6. Nopeee I just recycled the flare script because me and dyson arent good with scripting yet. Limited to one though. If you want we can replace command post onto barriers, flares, or cones you decide.
  7. Its possible and it would work fine but is extremely complicated and theres many issues you have to work around.
  8. Halligan replaces the axe. The orange stuff is some particles since the command post replaces the flare so that the Battalion Chief has the ability to place them. Still a work in progress
  9. New Stuff Times Square Uploaded with ImageShack.us FDNY Command Post/Halligan Tools/Highrise Packs Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  10. New Stuff Times Square Uploaded with ImageShack.us FDNY Command Post/Halligan Tools/Highrise Packs Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  11. Found this awesome video has alot of the units from our mod! Also shows command post , and blueprint Also FDNY LADDER CO FDNY ENGINE CO
  12. Correct ^^ its bug testing 4xs faster and where we dont get the same bugs over and over again! its genius! Haters gonna hate , potatoes gonna potate
  13. I spent about 5 minutes on it making sure it was positioned right! ^.^ 321 why dont you just stop commenting negatively on everybody?
  14. We are debating.. Atm we are keeping our pierce rescue 1 but may use it as a collapse rescue unit or something
  15. Hey all check out Lt. John Allen's 15 minute commentaries on his livestream where many times you can watch as he broadcasts live! Here are 2 15 minute videos of freeplay commentary of the beta! Enjoy!! http://livestre.am/1dd6p http://livestre.am/1dd2z We have fixed and changed alot since!
  16. Beta testing is full but the clan is still recruiting ! Atm im STUCK with exams till tuesday so only games on weekends for me this week
  17. We currently have now Engines 1,3,6,7,9,10,54 Ladders 1,4,6,10,12,24 Battalions 1,7,9 Sattelite 1 Rescue 1 Squad 18 Thats enough for a good 5 alarm
  18. In 1969 there was a 19 alarm fire in brooklyn and in 2006 a 10 alarm. 9/11 was the largest and was estimated to have risen to up to 20 alarms. After all my research 9/11 was so huge they just quit counting. From battalion 1 transmitting 2nd and 3rd alarm assignments to the end up to 20 alarms that was deffinately the largest fire in fdny history along with the largest rescue operation.
  19. Hey all im back! Im off the cruise to be honest the mod is basically hanging on a thread from release! Be ready. Pass alarms wont be in this version because everytime someone even. Civilian would go down instead of moaning and groaning youd here beeping lol
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