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Everything posted by rafaelmfernandez

  1. Here is the link http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/files/file/521-manhattan-modification-patch-update/
  2. Patch 2.0.3 Will be released today! Manhattan Modification v2.0.3 - 20 Minute HD Gameplay Part - 1 of 2: http://youtu.be/ew8gaYVqdwE Check out the 10+ New videos uploaded last night here:
  3. That was perfect English! No worries , actually v3 will include the realistic alarm script with real accurate box numbers and dispatches the nearest companies. V2 was a test, Didnt work so well
  4. Not necessarily distraction nor annoyance. I favor being in the spotlight. I love sharing photos and videos with the public and its rewarding. The mod could still be considered public but were just not gonna have any public links up like v2. After all the hate and threats we received we want to just simply avoid people like that getting hands on our mod so basically you just have to come and get it when it's ready.
  5. Exactly. You can stick around and hang out with us, or you can say thanks, give us your thoughts and be on your way. It's better to know people will take time out of their day for something we took time out of our years for. It's better for us I guess, Anyways It'd be best if this discussion stopped. We will share photos and progress with the public still. Not to tease but to have a reason to come say hi to us.
  6. Lol ash! I told you to stay off the Internet when you're royally drunk -.- anyways, I guess it's official. If you'd like to be part of the v3 crew you can Join our teamspeak: www.lovheim.net (no mic needed) I've got some of my best friends from this mod. Marius, Jon, Jason, Dyson, Joe, Nace, Mark, Jose, and Ethan These guys have been around for a long time and we consider them true die hard supporters/friends. Marius has been with us over a year and we speak pretty much every day. Same with Jon Mark and Jason. We are an awesome, funny group of guys. Chill and a great community to be with! If making great friends, and getting access to v3 isn't worth connecting o a team speak channel then I don't know what is. I'm sorry guys.
  7. Here is my statement, I hate when people bring things back up like the donations, the rockstar models, and all the other things we've been hated about. Honestly here's the thing. I want to release v3 publically! I know there are 90% more honorable fans then haters and I don't want this but Dyson is the Alpha. This mod is HIS. I can't change his mind (I tried) but basically what he has told me is he's tired of releasing the hard work to people who are just gonna spit all over it. V3 is not going to be had to get. Honestly all you have to do is come to us! If you put the effort to come talk to us about it we can give you v3. I can't change Dyson's mind. He says its official but we will see in the next few months how things go. If we constantly get hate comments, threats of sueing us and being called a scam, ill understand. But I think you guys should have access to it as I love sharing my work.
  8. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. I just gave him a new a hole
  9. Hey ghost! You should think about making a complete new map. Not necessarily new buildings but new map.
  10. Maybe we have another Mark here? Have you tried SCROLLING down the mods list in the main menu?
  11. Try the Nvidia fix on the front page man
  12. Manhattan Mod now has a twitter! @ManhattanMod Come support us and follow for the quickest updates and pics!
  13. Bleh, I want V3 public but me and Dyson have to talk about it. Nothing official yet.
  14. Just so you all know, me and Dyson are busy in life with school, however I do check the forums and the facebook couple of times a day. V3 has actually already started development and our concept is set. We'd like to keep our team how it is, just me, Dyson, as the main and several volunteer lighters such as Marius and Chad. We do have a person on the side that does Unit GUI as well. However V3 were trying not to really add anyone to the team due to the having to update each other constantly with work and it getting lost somewhere in between. Believe it or not, smaller teams are more flexible. On the scripting side, wed like V3 to have somewhat more enhanced and different gamePlay and I'm working on learning scripting but if all else fails we are looking for an experienced scripter who can match our quality of work. Anyways, V3 development will really begin to show in November. Ill be spending about two weeks in NYC doing research, filming, photos and buffing for reference and ill be working on new 3D models and the new map and firehouses with Dyson while I'm in NYC which will give us a new level of realism and accuracy. Can't wait to start!
  15. Bringing back a dead topic -.- really? Anyways his first post didn't seem to promising. No proper grammar what so ever and he even said "I pretend to release this mod" I sh*t you not as well as stating he would release when Joseph Kony was captured.. The hell? Anyways I wouldn't mind making a Chicago mod of high quality like the Manhattan mod not just 5 or 6 reskins of the NYC mod . I would if I had the time, maybe after I graduate this summer
  16. Not at all but I recommend leaving it if you ever play multiplayer because you would get an error if you changed it but it's harmless other than that
  17. You need a realistic response of units, something like 3 or 4 engines 3 ladders 2 battalions a rescue etc just have a lot of hoses on that Bish
  18. I'm currently at military school so I can't fix the traffic bug at east 81st. However I do know what's causing it. What you can do is just reinstall the mod, download and while installing the patch DO NOT replace the maps folder. That fixes the problem . The official fix will be in v2.0.3
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