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  1. Is egmond mod released anywhere else than emergency fanforum? For me that site doesn't work but i would still want to play your mod?

  2. Dear readers. This modification is from the dutch Emergency forum, emergency4.nl. I'm the creator and making version 2.0. Please remove the link, you're not allowed to post it here. When 2.0 is ready, I'll release it here an make a English manual too! @112EGMMOD.
  3. Problem solved after watching logfile.. I had some deluxe things in my modification.
  4. Hello everybody. I've made a modification, called '112 Egmond Modification'. Version 1.1 is almoast ready. But, when somebody else (the testers) loads the game/map, the game whill crash. Kinda weird, but the weirdst thing is, when I put the original map into the game (freeplay from Data map), the game does load by the testers. What could the problem be?
  5. Hello everybody, I need, as the title says, somebody who is modeller or teammember of the Saarland Modification. It is not a small question, it's about authorization for a model from the Saarland Mod in my modification. I've been looking everywhere.. Thanks all.
  6. Wow, it works! Thank you so much! Watch it doing well! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oSnWBsbgqE
  7. This is after I chanced the name IDirection, I thought, perhaps this is the answer. But, still that error. Script is like this now: http://plaatscode.be/139309/ Thanks for your help btw, you're great!
  8. Hi scripters! I've got a question about a script. In my mod, I've got 2 helicopters in the map, both Rescue Helicopters. (named the lifeliner1 and the lifeliner2) They've got a VO, with name, and those 2 got a name two. Nothing wrong with the alarmscript. I chanced some thing, so the helicopters won't drive like a car, but flies. But.. When I press ParkAtBase.. I've got a big problem, called: Many scripters helped me.. But, without a result.. But I know, there are some really good scripters, and they know the answer.. I hope.. This is the alarmscript: http://plaatscode.be/139306/ This is the parkingscript: http://plaatscode.be/139307/ Thank you!
  9. Yes! That one works! Very great, thank you so much.. But, one big but.. I can call a vehicle, and I can send him back. But I can't call him again, even he's at the VO, as you can see.. I mean this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWJMoko1wHk
  10. Thank you so much.. I'll edit that script really soon, hope I will understand that one!
  11. Hmm, my alarmscript was done in 2 minutes. Is it so much work, a parkingsscript?
  12. Humm, the problem of that one is, it is a very difficult one, but I will give it a try!
  13. Hello. (yes, I used the searchengine) In my private modification, I've got a alarmscript. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o74HZoSSGXM But, when the fire is out, and the car have to come back, I can't bring him back, because he doesn't have a parking script. You know, that little blue thing with a P in the middle. I'm looking for that one! Because I can't send my vehicle(s) back. Could you help me? Thanks.
  14. Thank you! I just download now, the servers are overflowed!
  15. Again, On which number of Fire Stations in LA does this station like? #9?? Or is this station virtual?
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