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Everything posted by JoseOu

  1. I can let u know hoppah submod Additional Units Submod and my submod LAPD Ford CV LED lightbar Submod is compatible Remember u need Patch 2.0.1 before instill my mod
  2. Hi can you say which one you download v1.5 with AUS or v1.5 without AUS i will fix it
  3. hehe i tell u TEC unit is on V1.7 Engineer vehicle,Tow truck 1 and 2,bulldozer carrier and "maybe" crane.
  4. not this time in V1.6 will add USAR,Brush Patrol,Fire Engine 1 ALS & Heavy Equipment Squad only. Maybe 3d led lightbar or LED lightbar wait the ans from the poll at end of wednesday and i start work at Thursday.
  5. I need you guy to ans the poll be4 i start make USAR,Brush Patrol,Fire Engine 1 ALS & Heavy Equipment Squad. 3D LED Lightbar or LED Lightbar check out V1.5 be4 poll 3D LED lightbar look not so good
  6. Well i was remodel those car to 3D lightbar so when i done then i start other new thing Wait for V1.5 release then i will start new car V1.5 has release
  7. EM4life I have say "Tiller Cabin will be Cancer because read this" Everyone cant open it unless hoppah give me the main file
  8. well if you want learn to remodel the light bar u batter read Zmodeler 2:3D-Modeling and learn how to use zmodeler be4 u know how to edit any thing from the car or make a car
  9. =.= stop off topic pls you guy can open a new topic
  10. this is 3d lightbar a glass cover the LED
  11. Well i changing all car to 3D led lightbar no time to make new car right now when i done v1.5 then we can talk new thing btw cletus that engine not from LA
  12. Nice Light edit but you have say my spell wrong my name is Jose Ou not Qu =.= Well i going to make 3D Full Red LED Lightbar on the Tiller i will post image after i done Tiller Cabin will be Cancer because read this CHP CV LED lightbar will be release as soon as i done it has be release
  13. well i saw the tiller with led at Mike photo but now i working on 2 thing ATM 1: Ford CV CHP LED lightbar 80% done only need script 2: 3D LED lightbar 10% done need more time on it after i done my 3d led lightbar i may make the tiller with led Edit: Good News 3D LED lightbat will be on see on LAFD Tiller If look good all Ford CV will be use 3D LED lightbar Ford CV CHP(not 3D lightbar) will be release with LAFD Tiller(3D LED lightbar) together Choose 1 lightbar for Tiller No.1 Full Red White Red No.2 Half Red White Red No.3 Half Silver No.4 Full Red(no image)
  14. hoppah mean the main mod is Federal Signal Arjent lightbar and this mod is LED lightbar I need pic bacause i wan see how it like
  15. As long as you get me a LAFD Firetruck with LED lightbar Image for me and maybe i can remode the lightbar
  16. if i make a stand alone pack i need to remake everything include the Read Me it cost me more time to do it if you are pro you can download it and make it stand alone pack by your own Ambulance ALS has been release
  17. good idea but i dont know the Siren script can add one more car or not
  18. You didnt ans my question i asked "Should i replace the old one" or "Make a new one that cant park at FS1 or 2"
  19. Well i think is "HEAVY" Equipment Vehicle not Light Equipment Vehicle HEV LEV See LEV topic
  20. LAFD Ambulance ALS is almost done but i need to know should i replace the old ALS or make a new one[can't park at Firs Station 1] Don't worry if u replace it i got make Backup for your LAFD Ambulance ALS in the mod
  21. thanks for downloading Edit: Well i find that LAFD Ambulance ALS got LED lightbar Image 1 Image 2 maybe i will release them if i finsh UV-Mapping them
  22. lol i not going to release it right now i need to re UV-Mapping them like my CV LAPD2 & 3 it also cost much time to UV-Mapping them
  23. hehe i got LAFD ambulance ALS ( Red Version ) LED Lightbar
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