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nick the greek

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Everything posted by nick the greek

  1. I ban you for being a hypocrite banner
  2. I ban you for having so many pointless posts.
  3. I heard Warren Zevon's My Sh*t's F*cked Up this afternoon and I was astonished. How epic can music be?
  4. Hunter bad news It rained a lot and now everything is wet and f...d up.
  5. Sunny weather that pisses me off Didn't go out yet to see if it's cold but it will probably be a bit warm. I want snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( hunter why don't change places? )
  6. Seriously this is one of my favorite mods and it will definitely gonna make me play Em4 again when it's out. Great job on everything.
  7. This was made for you. :loldev:
  8. My first fan in Denmark and I haven't written any good song(ERROR: possible grammatical mistake) yet. I got to be proud of myself. Thanks a lot people <- Me thanking everyone a year before I was born.Btw welcome Brian and have a nice browsing on Em- Planet forums.
  9. Awesome song. Temple Of Love(1992)- The Sisters Of Mercy
  10. agree pics of you two having sex = proof that you are not lying It has been snowing for two hours but it won't get it on the road
  11. If we can make a working we will be grateful to release it with your permission. Don't know. We have to make a plan first as we don't have one yet.
  12. OK I hope we get it done. (Do you mean be realized= to know what you are doing or be released? ) It is a great idea and thanks but we haven't done any work yet
  13. Because it isn't 'as new as he wants it to be'.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV3A_3LzVSA
  15. Sorry but I love the new map so First- When it's done I will. Second- Send me a pm with contacting info and what you think you can do Contact me too Actually it needs help, planning and time to achieve this goal
  16. Basically no as I don't have time(at the moment) to make a briefing of the project. This is why I asked for help and advice* *meaning= suggestions
  17. I know I like the idea too thanks
  18. Since many people want this and Hoppah is busy with doing other more important things in his life I decided to start this project and hopefully get a team to help me so that it will be out sooner. It is a really hard to do thing and needs tons of work. I'm not such an experienced scripter but I know some things regarding Emergency 4 scripting. I don't want this to be another "God fu**ing awesome new thing never going to be released project" but if I don't have any support it will be hard. Basically the first thing we have to do is to make all the standard free play incidents into a new missionscript and then add more complicated things and incidents. When and if this is completed people will be able to make GUI changes. PS. I got to be crazy for starting something like this
  19. I like the model Hoppah. It looks really good.
  20. complaint: I can't be a rockstar like Bellamy in this shitty country :1046276372_bawling:
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