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Everything posted by Luisinho

  1. Luisinho


    Nice! You guys have done a great job so far... keep it up!
  2. After a long wait you finally decide to share them publically... and once again, they look awesome! Good job mate...
  3. Not at this very stage, as we are currently focusing on the essential units first. As to the Choque units, yes, in fact, they have already been added in if I'm correct.
  4. This is incredible man, did you make this? I'm impressed <br /><br /><br />He's probably talking about the background music....
  5. I’ve got to say that this sounds excellent Stan! Good job on making thisactually come about...
  6. Yeah, that's definitely what's causing it, I'll try changing it... The odd thing is, it seems to work perfectly fine over here... Thanks again
  7. Odd, never had this problem before. But Thanks for reporting this. Can you remember which car is causing this, or is it all of them? I'll take a look at it.
  8. Alpha version is now available for download, see first post for more details.
  9. 7,929 downloads

    São Paulo Modification------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ version: Alpha v0.1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ produced by: Emergency-Brasil.com Modding Team - Rafael (Rafael) - Luisinho (Luis) - Fabio101 (Fabio) - rockerboy (Juliano)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ our website: http://spmod.emergency-brasil.com/------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ credits: - Hoppah (Scripts: Warning Lights, Flashing Lights, Sirens, etc...) - Newfoundking (Light editing) - Conror (Light editing) - Woltep (Armed Arrest Script) If by any chances you have contibuted in the making of this mod somehow, and I forgot to include your name in the list above. Please let us know by contacting us on the email displayed below.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ contact: spmod@emergency-brasil.com If you wish to contact us regarding this mod, please don't hesistate to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Thanks, And yes, the ladder does work. Haven't you seem our previous update?
  11. 07-03-10 - Here's a quick update on our vehicles and personnels.
  12. Done to mine as well. I'm sure this will help.
  13. I hate to say it, but you're wrong. The mod shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to load according to his specs. -- Anyway, I just found the following problem in your logfile: ?ERROR: dynlight.vsf Version or higher required! That usually means your graphic cards are not up to date. Go to your manufacturer website and check if there is newer version of software to be downloaded.
  14. Thanks Ami. I managed to fix the 'basket' issue, by making the basket transparent. However, I haven't tried doing the thing you said. I'll leave it for some other time, but I'll try something like that later on, because I'd very much like to see my firefighter lying down on the surface of the ladder. I'm still haven't managed to allow connectors on DLK vehicles. But I'm sure I will soon, with the help I'm getting on the German forums.
  15. About the model problem, you need to move your pivot right under your model.
  16. Hello, I'm currently working on a ladder truck for SPMod, and because the actual trucks have no basket. I was wondering how to make it work properly without one. And would it possible to add a hose connectors to DLK vehicles as well? Any help is appreciated, as long as you know what you're talking about. Thanks, Luis
  17. I think that's what he meant, because that's the only way it works for me.
  18. Do you know when you export something off Photoshop to DDS? A remember a window that pops up with loads of options to be selected.
  19. Well, you can change those details easily. But yeah, it is time consuming. Never to mention each part of the model is separated, and they're usually hi-poly.
  20. Yes, it is possible! GTA vehicles are also created on Zmodeler, which makes the conversion process even easier. But not as easy as you think, you will probably have to uv-map the vehicle all over again.
  21. Thanks We are focusing on the units first, but yeah, we're planning on adding these new features later on...
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