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Everything posted by soulbody

  1. yes that's right. i didn't update it. as you can see in the soulbody submods i'm busy with updating all submods. almost every submod became incompatible so i had to update them. the priority goes first to the submods i already had (freeplay limousine, army units) and then the new submods. besides that i still need some crew who are able to edit .dds files and model. but of course it doesn't mean that when i would start tomorrow it will be ready with in a month. my scripting skill is very low and to make right it will take a lot of time.
  2. don't how to explain in english so here in dutch: partities zoek maar in configuratiescherm
  3. it's possible but will cause for bugs. when i ready with all my submods i go start to make a all-in-one submod patch so it's will be possible. till then you can play but maybe with bugs.
  4. my tip for follewing users: make a new parities and install windows 7 on the new on
  5. can you edit that back i loved the first system, maybe with a poll first to check the want all the people want
  6. je zou het scripten even opnieuw moeten leren. het gaat hierbij om dummy namen niet om iedere protype bestand van iedere deur en wiel. wagens worden omgebouwd uit deze prototypes en opgeslagen via een geadvanceerd engine systeem gekoppeld. dus dit is veel te moeilijk om via de prototypes te doen plus een grootte omweg
  7. ik heb het script bekeken van de tiller truck en ik weet niet zeker of het werkt maar het gedeelte om een script te starten lig in deze data: v.RemoveCommand("MoveTo"); v.RemoveCommand("GoHome"); v.AssignCommand("VcmdDeinstallTiller"); v.AssignCommand(DUMMY_TILLER); if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_HASSIREN)) Game::ExecuteCommand(DUMMY_DISABLE, &v, &v); int VecID = v.GetID(); GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_TRAILER); for(int i = 0; i < list.GetNumObjects(); i++) { GameObject Trailer = list.GetObject(i); if (Trailer.GetUserData() == VecID) { Vector Pos = Trailer.GetPosition(); float r[9]; float childr[9]; Trailer.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(OBJ_TILLER_REVERSED, NAME_TILLER_REVERSED); m.SetUserData(Trailer.GetUserData()); m.SetPlayerMP(Trailer.GetPlayerMP()); m.SetPosition(Pos); Math::EulerToMatrix(180.0f, 0.f, 0.f, childr); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childr, r); m.SetRotation(childr[0], childr[1], childr[2], childr[3], childr[4], childr[5], childr[6], childr[7], childr[8]); m.PushActionInstall(ACTION_NEWLIST, &m); Trailer.SetPlacement(PLACEMENT_NONE); Trailer.SetPosition(Trailer.GetPosition() + Vector(0.f, 0.f, -200.f)); Trailer.SetSelectable(false); System::Log("Hide trailer"); ik zou volgende week bekijken of ik er eentje kan maken en share maar dat zal wel moeilijk zijn anders had hoppah het zelf al wel gedaan.
  8. are you sure? of course we know that the only thing it's that it happens to much each car get on that path by my no other one will do. besides that on that place the patrol cars chance to start a jam is around 80 or 90%
  9. yes i got the deluxe version (no extra's as emergency 4 or 911: First Responders, just only the deluxe version)
  10. i got a bug that the patch can't find my mod. but it's installed with the installer.
  11. smart to use seconds downloaders this might let it go faster later added: sad that you have a long bug list, hope you can fix them easily.
  12. nice. sad it's not allowed to release, they are really nice made.
  13. nice progress news. hope i can play it when i back from paris and that my pc is repaired then when it is released.
  14. hope it can released soon. it's the greatest mod ever. this map and chase command are worth it to just wait in peace
  15. maybe in your opinion but for my is very handy and i think for other players too
  16. nice made, can't wait the the construnction workers are finished . the city has needed those changes.
  17. and edit? then i can help by edit the LAToPolicestation script by letting the LAPD going to the LAPD Station, the S.W.A.T. to the S.W.A.T. station and the F.B.I. to the F.B.I. station. if gamer1368 want it of course
  18. it's still alive but i'm wait for version 1.9 like the rest of my submods. then i can go on again, but even then i will take a very long because there coming very much new scripts and i'm the 4th class (in my country is the last class of the second school) so i gonna do exams this year i don't want to do this year over next year.
  19. have you already tried to re-install the mod through. besides that have you made any changes?
  20. then you just need to wait a few hours or a day. can't hope the release won't be later.
  21. i think LA might be the same as NYC in this case.
  22. nice chase command, this was where i was waiting for. actually i got just one question: are the base icons also coming on the mini-map like in 1.8? i find allot easier to find station on the mini-map.
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