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Everything posted by FD81

  1. Just an idea.Can there be another free play fucntion?A hostage stand off where you have to bring in the LAPD Negotiator to talk to the criminal to surender then arrest him?Is that possible?
  2. That was a large train crash.I saw it on CNN yesterday. Train crashes are the worst crash.
  3. That mission sound good.Yesterday on the news,I heard that there was a train crash in LA.
  4. I just got done playing NHL2k9.That game is great. :1046275747_biggthumpup: I played it almost all day.
  5. I got no ideat what that truck is and i don't know what the department is.You got the hardest photos mike. I would like a hint too.
  6. Hoppah should have is own game.You can play any 3 citys.Los Angeles,Boston,And New york city.It would be great! If they make EM5,Hoppah could help them make EM5.
  7. Great new missions!! I can't wait to play them!! :1046275747_biggthumpup: Great manual!!
  8. Okay,i read the first page.It said no logos.That means that i can't post a police car if it said where it is from. Is that right?
  9. It looks azactly the same.You can see the details on that truck.You can also see the word on it.F350.And the left side,It said F.D.N.Y.Same lightbar too. :1046275747_biggthumpup:
  10. I got a new police car picture. State: Hint:it is a state police car.Do you know what state is it?
  11. This month?It could happen. Hopfully it does happen.
  12. It does happen in real life.Thats another idea too.It is good!
  13. 5% left!! Then the mod will come out!!!
  14. 5 Days!! Countdown will begin.right?
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