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Everything posted by ThePoliceGuy

  1. Hi guys, got all my vehicles in the editor, lighted etc etc but was wondering how i get them on the physical Ingame menu? Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance Max
  2. Okay that's a relief, was worried that I might not be able to get this mod working and that would be a shame. Glad you're thinking of those with Lower end pc's as im sure they make up a large portion of your fan base.
  3. Exactly, I like to keep my game as realistic as possible so would like to keep my lights are on, but i'm questioning weather 150 lights is appropriate for such an old game and for many fans, old PC's
  4. Would definitely agree, I read on here somewhere that each engine has upward of 150 lights or something, I can certainly imagine even 2 or 3 of them and a small house fire would probably start to give me some lag. Hopefully this will be manageable or a lighting submod will be release after
  5. Looks awesome, hows progress? Is there much else to complete before we see some kind of release?
  6. BUMP (sorry for double post but it was quite some time ago) Clan is still up and going, currently at approx 10 members strong. Please feel free to join! The FEPT's mods are well underway! Will release one screenshot with this post as a teaser but there is A LOT more. The app. process is not needed as we feel it may be putting people off, just add "thebosscalledmax" or "djchill95" on skype to get started (no mic needed)
  7. Hi dude, like dyson said, it would be smart to join a group. If you have skype (or are willing to get it) then add "thebosscalledmax" or "djchill95" and we'll get you stuck into some games. We play our own modified version of the LA mod and the London mod. Occassional play on NY and other smaller mods. Regular games, all english speaking and high quality play. You don't need a mic or have to be any good infact!
  8. Good to know progress is still underway. Would be happy to lend a hand with anything, skinning, map alterations or anything else you could think of.
  9. Just played some beta, I think the Skins need touching up slightly and some of the lights are a bit overboard in my opinion. Apart from that and the fact that the Fire side of the game hasn't changed much from LA, I really like it.
  10. Agreed, this mod has really surprised me! Looks excellent and really hope it gets released, will Dyson's NY submod map be used in the final version?
  11. It's possible that the EM4 servers are down, they have been quite a lot recently. If i'm honest i'd try to portforward it makes life a hell of a lot easier and as long as you have done it right it WILL work.
  12. Love the GMC, looks really good, how's progress?
  13. Mod looks really good, keep up the work and hope it gets released!
  14. Hello again, was just wondering if the SD version of this mod is still in progress? If so, how's progress? Any updates? ?
  15. I'd rather nothing new was added and we get a map and units and whatever else the RCMP mod team has planned! All this asking for extra content will just slow down release, as they attempt to make it (possibly) or respond to pesky posts here on the forum.
  16. Would like to see more than anything some simple script errors fixed, like calling an ambulance etc. I use those features A LOT in the game as i'm sure many others do.
  17. Finally got hold of the beta version buried deep inside a USB I found! Loved the beta and cannot wait for this! Anyhow, hows progress?
  18. Run the installer as admin and make sure your firewall isn't blocking anything. I have to run ERS berlin and anything to do with it as admin as it changes folders around every time it's loaded!
  19. Sorry if this is a bit late but looking through and I saw your post. Despite what it says, the ERS2 beta is actullay in English aswell. Confusing I know!
  20. The clan now has it's own mods/submods! Check out the downloads section of the website!
  21. Good, just my 2 cents By redundant vehicles I meant those that aren't in-game but are included in the files.
  22. Okay, good to see it's still in progress. I think your main problem is the size of the mod. There's a lot of stuff in there that doesn't need to be I.E. redundant vehicles, extra sounds or skins, extra wheels or buildings and file size of the mod (even if it is not being used ingame) still affects the speed because of how much harder it is for the game to locate what a vehicle should look like or what commands it should have.
  23. Sorry, I didn't get an official answer last time, no fault of your own im sure. But is the v2.0.3.5 (SD version) still being made?
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