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Atomic Monkey

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About Atomic Monkey

  • Birthday 11/09/1985

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    New York
  • Interests
    Computers, Gaming , Video game Development , Dance and Trance Music.

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  1. No there isn't. I had a few minute head scratch of what "Local Audio Folder" was.. so I just randomly put it somewhere, but it didn't work.. File Paths help players instead of "Oh put this here" And I must of messed something else up becuase for some reason my ambulances are mounted with giant flood lights on them now.
  2. Download the 1.2 patch. If you have it on steam it auto updates for you. I had a lot of optimization issues, but they now seem to be gone with this update.
  3. Had the stolen car go into the no boundry zone, then park there. I'm sure the criminal is sitting in the driver seat with his sunglasses on goin "Deal with it" the friggin troll.
  4. Trying to tinker a bit with your resoultion? Done messed up and gave yourself a black screen? or half black screen? Don't panic! do this: Go to your AppData Roaming Folder. You can do this by accessing your Start Menu search bar by typing in %appdata% and pressing enter, a folder should pop up called "Roaming" Select the folder called Promotion Software GmbH / Then Select EMERGENCY 5 / In the EM5 Folder look for the file called emergency_5_settings.json ( Open the file with WordPad rather then notepad, to make it easer to read ) Once you find the resoultion string, change the number to what you currently have on your desktop or computer. or, if your eyes can handle it, set it to a very low resoultion so you can reset it in the game. Save the file, close everything and boot up EM5 to see if worked. Hope this helps people who are messing with video settings to make there gaming experence much better.
  5. Downloading this now Via there installer! So Excited to see Update: Tutorial seems to be broken, It won't let you select the firehose after setting up a supply line.. (Sloppy) I'll just have to play guessing games at the free-play.
  6. Then this game is 100% useless to me, I'm selling it on E-bay. I want at least part of my money back. Sixteen Tons would never let there game slip like this to there community, never.
  7. FFFFF- I need to look for a direct to download site in the UK that is offering 2012 for Pay for download. (Like Direct2Drive)
  8. It sounds like your using an illegal copy right now.
  9. You wont, it was a mistake on my behalf. Something I did to LAMod I think screwed up something else..
  10. I have to warn you, when I peeked at this map for the first time in editor to see how it worked, it was loaded with custom accident sections , traffic triggers , and so forth.. I really doute you will get this "FULLY" working with LA Mod, if you do.. your a god among mapping.
  11. Will there be an English version for pre-order? or do we need to wait?
  12. *Wheo!* Thank god I'm still around, I was logged out and I got a bit panicky.
  13. <00:25:48> Trying to resolve hostname emergency-planet.com <00:25:48> Trying to connect to server on emergency-planet.com:9987 <00:25:53> Failed to connect to server *Sigh* ..
  14. Ok, Updated.. now to re-learn this mod all over again
  15. Without the use of the internet. I'm trying to prove a point here. the mod is great YES, but most of the Muti-launage support can be very sketchy , or just completely non existence. So, why just post (7.0) links if your not gonna provide any information for the English half of the forum.
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