Couldnt remember my password.. Social networking FTW!.. Anywho.. I love the mod guys, It's great. You're perfectly balancing enough content, and too much content. (Yes, there is such a thing as too much content) It could be better, luckily its only V1, and I do have high hopes. I like the challenge, I dont like the mods that have a shortcut for everything. So this is a plus. I do have a suggestion though, and you guys are going to flame me right off the forums, I know it. But I would absolutely love to see a Mutual-Aid Volunteer Fire department (That you have to actually sound the tones and watch the firefighters run to the station blahblahblah) i dont know why, but those kinds of script mods really intrigue me. It's just a light suggestion, I dont expect to see it and im not downplaying yourr mod at all Keep it up guys!