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Everything posted by BrandonAshton

  1. Excited for the next update =)
  2. when he says scott I believe he means an airpack.
  3. Wish you could hear yourself. Lol. - on topic: Great job Dyson Ive been watching since you first started with the submod and youve come a long way. I'm very excited for V3.0.0 keep up the good work bro, but remember, real life is more important
  4. i second this Itd take some scripting. but running water from hydrants to trucks and adding a tanker possibly, Would add a huge element of realism, and extreme difficulty I believe the Winterberg mod is like that yeah it is because its a pain in my butt but its so real.=]
  5. You know what I love, the fact that you didnt type this all in one big block of text.. cause i never would have read it. but haha no seriously, I agree with this 100%
  6. I certainly applaud it, no complaints there at all
  7. woops.. someone can lock this, I found a fix, If anyone decides to have the same problem, PM me and ill reply with the fix, I dont really wanna take the time to write it all up right now, unless i have to
  8. It's already been said, the answer is no. A corrupted ModInstaller is a possible sign of a pirated copy of the game. (Not saying you pirated it) Which is not condoned.
  9. This just randomly happened, i didn't change my resolution or nothing like that. I believe it may have something to do with the Winterberg Configurator, but after installing that, restarting my PC etc, the problem still persists (See attached) It seems my screen is way off center when I load the game. I tried changing resolution, nothing. Like i said, this just happened Randomly.
  10. This may be a bit off topic, but i think regaurdless, it'll be appreciated. Ive been watching this topic like a hawk And I noticed you all Especially MikeyPI and NFK, have been keeping up with the questions and responses on the thread amazingly, and It impresses me. I think thats one of the best things about being a MOD Creator, listening to community input, and cooperating with them. I appreciate it, as im sure the rest of the community. Good job!
  11. Couldnt remember my password.. Social networking FTW!.. Anywho.. I love the mod guys, It's great. You're perfectly balancing enough content, and too much content. (Yes, there is such a thing as too much content) It could be better, luckily its only V1, and I do have high hopes. I like the challenge, I dont like the mods that have a shortcut for everything. So this is a plus. I do have a suggestion though, and you guys are going to flame me right off the forums, I know it. But I would absolutely love to see a Mutual-Aid Volunteer Fire department (That you have to actually sound the tones and watch the firefighters run to the station blahblahblah) i dont know why, but those kinds of script mods really intrigue me. It's just a light suggestion, I dont expect to see it and im not downplaying yourr mod at all Keep it up guys!
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