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Everything posted by BrandonAshton

  1. where we were going. We didn't really care. We had all we ever wanted. In that keg in the closet

  2. psst. Jaime Shultz loves me :D

  3. My words might not be magic but they cut straight to the truth, so if you need a lover and a friend.. baby, I'm in

  4. Facebook.I have no problem with the new layout, thanks for working to keep upgraded as much as possible. :)Sincerely, Me.

  5. This new feed SUCKS!!!!!! Re-post if you agree!!!! ¨¨¨¨¨ ¨ /´¯/) ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨ (\¯`\ ¨¨¨¨¨ ¨/¯¨// ¨¨¨´¯`·, ¨¨¨¨¨¨ ,·´¯` ¨ ¨¨ \\¨¯\ ¨¨¨¨¨¨/ ¨ // ¨¨¨¨ '·. ¨•`·. ¨ .·´• ¨.·' ¨¨¨¨ \\ ¨ \ ¨ /´¯`/''¨ ''/´¯¯`·¸ ¨`:--·´ ¨ `·--:´¨ ¸·´¯¯`\'' ¨''\´¯`\ ./''/ ¨ / ¨ ¨/¨¨/¨¨/¯\¨¨`·.¨ ' ' ¨.·´¨¨ /¯\ ¨ \ ¨\¨¨¨/´¯/

  6. I've finally come to the point where I'm honestly considering deleting my Facebook account. This social media website has come so far, yet it causes so many more problems then it could ever potentially solve.

  7. he’s got the red, white, and blue flyin’ high on the farm simper fi tattooed on his left arm spends a little more at the store for a tag in the back that says u.s.a. won’t buy nothin’ that he can’t fix, with wd40 and a craftsman wrench he ain’t prejudice he’s just, made in America

  8. Watching saw: the final chapter ;0

    1. FDNY Squad 55

      FDNY Squad 55

      I don't like it. I like only 1st three parts :]

  9. Im so over always being stressed out over this shit >_

  10. Just witnessed a dude yell across the parking lot at sunoco to whom I gather to be his ex "ill kill you, you fat cunt"

  11. Can't go to work or do anything else without all hell breaking loose in every aspect of my life. Atleast I can ssleep tonight and then wake-up and deal with the bullshit in the morning. >.< or maybe if I don't wake up at all ill be better off. Jeez.

    1. gizmo719


      Hey man, keep your head up....those that type of thinking aint goona do nothing but keep ya down. Im going through a similar thing at this time...just gotta keep on trucking bud.

  12. Just because you wouldnt, doesnt mean others wouldn't.
  13. If it were me, id make a GTA Version of Driv3r
  14. I saw this comming, I didnt have high hopes for that reason. You really shouldn't start a mod without the proper help/staff in the first place. R.I.P Pre-mature LEGO mod
  15. dont forget.. there are previous Emergency's too.. not just 2012 and Emergency 4. I dont think he was just focusing on the two
  16. very happy about the constant talk and progres
  17. Agree'd. and I understand. jussayin I understand the /sadface of the situation Not like one single tiller is gonna make or break this mod. Id rather not have it at all, then having it and having it be insanely unrealistic and budgy. So that decision is a good one, imho
  18. well for the fire doors, its plausible if the lego's are smaller, or turned sideways
  19. Awesome. Ill be proud to advertise this, ill post it on multiple forums aswell, This is a great idea, I actually just built a firetruck out of lego's, in real life, ill try to post pics later if my niece doesnt knock it apart . it can be used as an idea of what it could possibly look like, Also I was brainstorming, and realized that, almost anything that will end up being an animation (as in a firestation door going up in down) is going to look really off, with the lego look, i think there has to be a fine balance between making everything of lego's, but also making it look.. right.
  20. I do understand the decision to not bother with the tiller. but it has such amazing potential if it could just work correctly. I doubt there is any way to fix the way the trailer interacts with the enviroment. But, I do understand peoples dissapointment. I love that thing IRL
  21. Make me a cool beta tester sig! Haha. lets get this advertised
  22. If i can do anything, let me know, i cant do any modeling or skinning or something but any small jobs im sure i can manage beta testing, etc.
  23. I'm sure I'm speaking for many when I say, I'm very patient and optimistic with this mod, as it was released without many of our knowledge, it came as a complete surprise and it is a very great gameplay experience. Everyone who is working on the mod: Take your time, and thankyou for your hard work I also personally appreciate the textual updates from mikey and nfk concerning the mod. It's always nice to know that the developers are active with the community.
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