.dds files are common used in the LA mod, you will need paint.net to open those and reskin them. Paint.net is an easy photo editing program mostly used by skinners get it here: http://www.getpaint.net/download.html Or if you have more skills, use photoshop, It's one of the easier ways when you know how to use it. Find some good basic tutorials at youtube. Also, it's kinda off-topic but you mentioned the following: ''So after opening the first post i basically got told by spammers i was on my own and got dumped on a dusty road...so ive decided to make the mod my self. This is probably the biggest computer job in all 13 years of my life...So tell me what you guys think as ill be posting photo soon Thanks: 3m3rg3ncy.'' Then: Ok then guys i wanna ask a favor.......Could someone support me? im a kid and this is my first project so i need all the support i could get It's a bit wierd to act like, oh im going to do this like it's nothing, and after that asking all the help you could get...