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Everything posted by RedHawk504

  1. Well why should they make the emergency section real? As soon it's releasd the modders of IV will start with modding gta V. It won't surprise me if there is coming a ELS for gta V and ELS enabled models. So why do they have to spend more time on the emergency section which will take more time to release and it wont be so nice like ELS.
  2. Well I've started with engine 42. If i have engine 42 finished i will post a preview. The ambulance and squad hasn't made yet, Cultzibolzi was busy on the ambulance which you can see a view pages ago. I have to admit the engine's texture looks very nice
  3. Thanks mclovin! This is what i was looking for!
  4. You can Contact MikeyPI he has done that for me. Just PM him he's a really nice guy
  5. AMD has more options with their Catalyst Center. You can easly overclock it you can change game settings and way more. Intel is just a processor wich will if it stuck give it a boost what will speed the CPU up and let you're pc react again. Further nothing. In combination with a good videocard like 600 euro's for a Geforce serie it will be good with the 2nd generation I7. Otherwise i prefect AMD. Also AMD is cheaper
  6. Well i still can add you PC can be connect with xbox live so gimme you're ID
  7. Well you must know that i dont work ALONE with a modification, im just a part of it and i have to create the topics because the people i work with haven't got an account. The real mods im working on in Sealand Modification, Chicago Modification and Zeeburg mod. Further nothing. So i don't know what you mean with "The topic starter has a project already that he has put to hiatus, and did not finish. And then he goes and starts a new one." Im doing the hard as i can. Im not Mister have alot spare time. If im creating a mod it still isnt good enough
  8. Well im busy atm with fire engine 42. But i really need information like which vehicles i need. Im not from Chicago and its hard for me to find which vehicles is in the station i want to have on the map. But does anyone know which vehicle is based on Main station downtown chicago?
  9. it would be funny if i get the most vote's Well i go for cops his re-skin its something new. I've already seen NYPD skins EMS skins of new york etc etc etc.
  10. Hey people, I'm busy with a emergency vehicle and i want just like in real polygons lights which will exactly will fit into the led light. And not any bigger corona's what will blink on the half of the led. I hope someone knows. Greetz!
  11. Maybe its nice for the next version like you press a button and it will alarm 2 vehicles with a sound like you said. Ding Dong Engine Ladder. If you want i can do that for ya
  12. Well i also tought the sirens weren't the best but maybe you can do something with this?
  13. I also recommend you to get an AMD processor, its better than Intel. I have an AMD Phenom II 1055T x6 2.97 GHZ. And its already very quick! Alienware pc's are cool but remember you can also buy you're pc in parts and buy a look a like alienware case. like a Recom Backdraf or a Aerocool Sycloon II (link: http://www.google.nl/search?tbm=isch&hl=nl&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=971&q=aerocool+syclone+ii&gbv=2&oq=aerocool+s&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=2644l9712l0l10673l19l17l0l2l2l0l190l1919l4.11l15l0 ) (Link Recom Backdraft http://www.google.nl/search?tbm=isch&hl=nl&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=971&q=aerocool+syclone+ii&gbv=2&oq=aerocool+s&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=2644l9712l0l10673l19l17l0l2l2l0l190l1919l4.11l15l0#hl=nl&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=recom+backdraft&pbx=1&oq=recom+back&aq=1S&aqi=g-S2&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=44080l45594l0l46443l10l7l0l2l2l0l234l767l1.3.1l5l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=17b3e16aae483850&biw=1920&bih=971) Also a possibility is an Asus vento 3600 (link http://www.google.nl/search?tbm=isch&hl=nl&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=971&q=aerocool+syclone+ii&gbv=2&oq=aerocool+s&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=2644l9712l0l10673l19l17l0l2l2l0l190l1919l4.11l15l0#hl=nl&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=asus+vento+3600&pbx=1&oq=Asus+vento&aq=2S&aqi=g2g-S8&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=44378l45777l0l47735l10l8l0l1l1l0l271l1193l2.2.3l7l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=17b3e16aae483850&biw=1920&bih=971 ) I hope you can do something with this. Grtz.
  14. But is there already a alarm sound when you alarm vehicles? Like TingDong: Engine, Ladder.
  15. I need some quick help, how can i find my serial number of my ati hd 6770 videocard?

  16. I need some quick help, how can i find my serial number of my ati hd 6770 videocard?

  17. Videocard needs to be changed for a new one, this one has a production fail. Probably 2 days off, see you than guys!

  18. I want snow =( i like snow rly much, its also over here winter. BTT: I can't wait to see some lights of rettungstier
  19. omg be patient otherwijse you could get banned :O
  20. Yes it will including the two different sirens you can activate with a command.
  21. Hhahahah, a advanced modder forgets that lol XD
  22. Updated first post with a new screen. I hope you like it. Grtz
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