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Everything posted by RedHawk504

  1. 175$? that's much! because a 560TI costs here 120 euro's! and it isnt as powerfull as ATI videocards, also they dont support crossfire
  2. The 6850 also can do that Its just that the HD 6770 is cheaper than the 6850.
  3. It depends on what are you going to do with it like: Heavy gaming or Photoshopping etc. Also what your budget is I really recommend the ATI HD 6770 it costs only 100 dollars and it gives you the most you can get for that price! it has 1 GB GDDR-5 the videocard you are using now is probaby DDR3 so its already 3 generations up ahead. Search on ebay for it and also on google and youtube for reviews. I have one and i can play battlefield 3 on ultra!
  4. New Signatures banners from Antwerpen Modification for Fans :)

  5. Lol and what about me? I did mention the right authors
  6. well, the sprinter and crafter are from NNICO the child on top of it are also from NNICO The reskin is by us. But i really dont know the authors of the em bag, im sorry for that!
  7. Model: NNICO Childs: NNICO Re-Skin: Antwerpen Mod
  8. Install the latest Microsoft Frame Network, than it should work.
  9. I guess some moderator wants some spammer blood.
  10. So if it go trough a model, it also should shine trough the child
  11. Making an lightbar + animating it is also a option.
  12. None, I've download it from emergency-forum.de
  13. No not that script. Spoiler of the Script i used.
  14. Hello everyone, I made some changes in a existing ParkAtBase script. I managed it to let go the vehicles to their parking places. But how they park isnt the right way. They park straigt up or straight to the right. Not like a 45 degree posistion. But in the script is written went posistion and park posittion. What do i need to change or what are the specs to let the car park at a 45 degree angle? Also when i'm send them back to their parking spots the firefighters wont go out and dissapear? What do i also have to change/make to let that work? Greetings from RedHawk504
  15. He means : He wants to become a volunteer firefighter in real-life. But the his girlfriend/wife doesnt want him to become a volunteer firefighter
  16. RedHawk504

    [WIP] San Diego

    Well you know it isnt animated?
  17. Im banning you because my girlfriend gave me a flower
  18. Im banning you because the helpdesk of battlelog (Battlefield3) Is shit. They told me several times to reboot my pc. But when i do that the live chat with the help desk person is endend. If i want to continue i must explain everything to a new person.
  19. What is the problem than? You didnt mention that
  20. looks great dyson! Im gonna download it I can't wait for the Manhattan mod. btw im the 2nd downloader haha EDIT Maybe you need to change the file name lol. There is now written Los Angeles mod 2.0.rar
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