I can give you a good example what this chief does, Whenever there's chemical risks, this chief will come to the accident's location, he will in combination with other chief's (OVD)/(H-OvD) change the situation to a new lever which will need more vehicles to respond to the area of the accident. In Netherlands we use: NL ENG Middelbrand = Middle big fire (think like kitchen fire's and stuff like that) Grote Brand = Big fire (This alarm will be given whenever there's a big fire, like a house fire or something familiar.) Zeer Grote Brand = Even bigger than the last one (This one will require many more units because now you can see the flames coming out of the building already as example, could also be other structures) GRIP 1 = This situation is the almost the same as ''Zeer Grote Brand'' Only now the ROGS 9895 which i made will come to the scene to speak with other fire chief's to change the level to GRIP 2 GRIP 2 = Whenever GRIP 2 is given, there will be more units out of the local area respond to the fire or accident's place because its pretty big to handle with only 5-6 fire engines. GRIP 3 = Reall Really but a really big fire, this situation is not given very often. When it's given it's mostly because an factory is on fire. (More units needed to respond to the fire or accident's place.) Think now like more laddertrucks, fire engine's rescue squads and more. GRIP 4 = Is almost the biggest situation there will be given. Now there will be crashtenders from the local airports on their to an fire to help extinguish it. Those have big water canons to extinguish. GRIP 5 = Recently added to the GRIP 1/4 situations. I don't exactly know what this situation does, but in any case it's a really worse sitation. All the things i named above this will be only given by fire truck chiefs (Bevelvoerders) or by fire chiefs (OVD/HOVD) It's not possible to give out of nothing GRIP 5, all situations had to be used before the last one could be given. Hopefully i explained enough? If you have any further questions you can post them here-under. (Sorry if you couldn't understand if, but it's really hard to explain in American ways of usage.)