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Rafael last won the day on April 19 2024

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About Rafael

  • Birthday 08/04/1981

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    São Paulo / Brazil
  • Interests
    Fire department, games and my wife!

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  1. Nice work ...I know how difficult it is to create a map from scratch, especially wanting to put parts of real areas in it ... continue the work and don't get discouraged!
  2. Thanks for caring, the mod still has a lot to evolve! Regarding ambulances, everything depends a lot on each city, as there are cities where SAMU is based in the fire station, but in general, SAMU attends clinical events and Resgate (ambulance for fire department)of the fire department attends trauma events! The Jawns of Life tool is not blocked, you have to enable the generator on the truck, soon I will be posting a video about it!
  3. New version of São Paulo Modification !! New vehicles, new scripts and more!! São Paulo Modification 1.4 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zYSQwTlThskyPZOZw1kLGaZ7ePWTP16f https://mega.nz/file/rRpVkKQB#dixqpONDv39fTtMgJnSrW1y9pvjXdgaT4vZA_o_0At0 http://emergencybrasilteam.com/assets/sao-paulo-mod-1.4.rar
  4. We are hiring specialists in lights, for the conclusion of the São Paulo Mod and to work with us on new projects, which are advanced, just not shown here in the community, interested in contacting, preferably with a sample of their work!
  5. What a beautiful job .... Anxious to launch the modification, a job very well executed on all models, really a job worthy of admiration!
  6. Great suggestion !! I'll put two models in the package, one with the light bar and one without!
  7. At least in the State of São Paulo, where I live, there is little variation in the units of the firefighters, but it is a mixture of American, European and Brazilian vehicles, here the units are standardized, for the entire state, becoming different vehicles, when they are donated. by the local community! What little I know of the organization of fire departments in large rural areas and counties, each department has the autonomy to buy their equipment and I also know that there is a large trade in fire equipment in the United States. Here in Brazil, everything is managed by the state!
  8. Hello, Itchboy ... Do you know how many emergency units the Fire Department will have in the mod? From what I've been following, the models are amazing !!!
  9. Hello Alex Neumeister .... I just checked your complaint, it was really an error on our part when creating the package, the models are mapped and textured, just open in Zmodeller, apply the texture and save! Sorry for the inconvenience, we will be solving the problem as soon as possible!
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