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Everything posted by chrisblaalid

  1. nope... no one... but it seems to take longer as planned ... "no shit sherlock" the reason for the delay is the cooperation between NoMod and Rundefjord, but release is planned somtime this summer
  2. Acts: BASTIAN, Wittener & Iglheaz Looks very good BASTIAN, extremly good... one thing tho.. The Luftambulanse uses new colours: HOWEVER!! Even Though the red copter skin is the old colours, the fact is that it is SO GOOD I will use it without doubt! Additional to the yellow one ofc
  3. Australia - NSW Police Force hehehehe toyota prius... reminds me of jeff dunham hah..
  4. I am 90% shure that allmost all police units will be able to board a police car... I'll put on the BETA testers to do list for checking .. happy?
  5. Hopefully we have released a finished version by then But I doubt the Mod will stop production after the first release... many plans for this one
  6. He said he works slow maybe he is supposed to tell you You are skinner? Or are you A skinner?
  7. thank you Mikey... now I just have to find that tut... if... if you don't want to do it for me xD can't blame a guy for asking right? *edit: tried without the tut... did not touch the original model, just placed the new stretcher on top... however... mission failed... searching for the tut now..
  8. I don't think flügen is a swearing word gah!! I wish Zmodeler would work with me, not against me oooh i wiiiish someone would do it for me *folding hands and puts on a puppy face* xD
  9. I'm banning you for using antivirus that is up to date
  10. Earlier I tried to import a person in to zmodeler, with no luck... It looked like a turd.. So I gave up that project However.. I want to swap the stretcher with a new one... how the flügen do I do that? Anyone want to help me out?
  11. To work fast is not the best way to work But I will recommend you to work hard! In fact i expect you to work all night! 24/7!!! and if you call me a mean boss once again, I will make up a lie about you so pervertet that even your ancestors would have been embarrassed MOAHAHA
  12. what am I supposed to answer on? there is no one who has published a question and it is not the other dude's turn...
  13. Why do you keep going when It's not your turn? Why are you still answering him when it's not his turn?
  14. TIME FOR AN UPDATE!! Today, I got some AWESOME news for you! The Norway Mod & The Rundefjord have decided to cross theyr flags, to create the ultimate Norwegian mod that exists The Rundefjord models will now be integrated in the Norway Mod, making the unit selection bigger! Rundefjord creator Alex03, a man with huge talent has been given a high position in the NoMod System.. Providing this Mod the missing pieces to a huge puzzle! Other news, the BETA version v.2.4 is under testing, due to technical setbacks such as loss of it connection, I'm back on track. Like ever before ^^ The sad news about this (or I would not call it so sad ) is that short after release of the new BETA, the cooperation between NoMod and Rundefjord started So the BETA's will not have long to test v.2.4 before v.2.5 comes.. moahaha... However they have been provided with a sneak prieview but that one is kind of unplayable An update will follow with more information about what will happen so stay tuned!
  15. It is a FREAKIN god day ^^

  16. UPDATE: I want this post to announce that I am now back online, it means that the project is back in action and BETA Phase 3 has commenced However, we are looking to expand our BETA team. We are looking for 5 new BETA testers. 2 with good high experience in this area. The three others may have moderate experience and high attention to detail. We are also looking for a new member to the team. This position is called "File Searcher". The job assignment is simple. Look over the files, note and report back to chief of staff names of the files that are not needed to run the modification And the third job opening is a portraiter. This job by my point of view, sucks... And is ove of the reason why this mod is not yet released This is why I want someone to do it for me Job task: Make the portraits in the game, PS experience is needed. (Don't know what PS is? Don't apply )
  17. hahaha I know that frustration happened to me to Just want to say: It is ok to freak out when it happened to me, I said some phrases that would not let me in the pearly gate and meet the creator of life
  18. with over 28 ºC (82.4 ºF), working in a full uniform... my goood I'm overheating! But FINALY summer has reached the south of Norway :P (It still snows up north I've heard :-S

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      why....wha...I can't say anything about that dude. :D

    3. valmiustila


      Here, in Finland, is from now to Thursday, every fcking day over 25 ºC! That's annoying

    4. chrisblaalid


      naaah... It's not annoying, it's summer :P

      ooooh yeeaah^^

  19. hehe... Just wanted to inform that this post is updated.. Check the first post or just click on my banner ^^ Tuddles ^^
  20. working night shift... but I have been awake since 06 in the morning.. tired much ? :P

  21. 31.05.2011 (00:30AM - Norwegian time) UPDATE! Due to technical issues this mod is on hold (at least for updates ) for about a week or so. Reason: For some of you, these news are not new. Lately I have been having internet difficulties. Meaning that my connection are mentaly retarded, lagging, turning it self of and on. It turned for the worst last week, when a dellusional repair man was supposed to fix my connection. Resulting in no connection at all. So I am waiting for a new repair man to fix the network cables in my wall and outside. We are maybe talking fibernet. However, this will take some time. So I'm sorry for the delay, but then again. It takes time to deliver a masterpiece xD Stay tuned everybody. When my connection is back, we will pick up the paste and work harder to deliver this mod. With regards, chrisblaalid Chief of staff, and the creator of Norway Mod. (THE creator and BOSS )
  22. I could give it a try... maybe.. I'll se what I can do..
  23. Today, it doesn't The wrecker will maybe not even be a part of the game... struggeling with some stuff on it that won't cooparate The crane will not be able to "load up" that's what the flatbeds are for. It will just lift stuff That's also why the Viking units are Viking and theese are NAF. Get it?
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