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Everything posted by chrisblaalid

  1. I saw that one when I looked for the other pictures, even though it is sweedish... I vote for your choice... when do you think it is done? Here is what I got into the game so far: And here are the plans: Info: 1. Tried to integrate it... Game crashed... Need to investigate what to do next 2. Want it, havent got to it yet 3. Want it, havent got to it yet 4. Want it, havent got to it yet 5. Don't know about the car yet, but the lightwork on is is pornographic 6. Makes me laugh everytime I see it, but that is not a bad thing... Don't know yet what I could do with it maybe a kind of tow truck 7. Lightwork on it is EXTREMELY COOL, so I want to put it in the game maybe just on the existing cars 8. Want it, don't know what to do with it yet... Maybe just a personell carrier 9. If it had doors, it wouldn't even be a question... But it doesn't so we need a door modeler 10. If it had doors, it wouldn't even be a question... But it doesn't so we need a door modeler 11. If it had doors, it wouldn't even be a question... But it doesn't so we need a door modeler 12. Lightwork on it is EXTREMELY COOL, so I want to put it in the game maybe just on the existing cars 13. If it had doors, it wouldn't even be a question... But it doesn't so we need a door modeler And to answer to your earlier question... here is the first ladder in the NoMod: Modell: Chidea Texture: Original by Chidea.. Redone by ME
  2. The one problem I have over and over again are typos One major favorite are theese: / [ ] And just this one can be a problem mod:prototypes/Vehicles/Police\Patrolecar.e4p you have to study the files over and over again
  3. About the vehicle adding: I will give you my personal guide to adding vehicles (what I do) Edit the prototypes Traits in the editor Edit spec files (portraits and freeplay are important) Add Unitfolder Add missionline in the unitfolder... Have your done theese steps?
  4. Oh I know... I have a habit to exeed the speedlimit when crossing the swedish border
  5. I'm banning you for banning two at the same time..
  6. it's this little mofo right here: <-- aren't they sexy? You also have it in a mercedes version as you can see (i could not help my self... I had to use this picture when I found it ) YES PEOPLE!! NORWAY IS DANGEROUS!! COME HERE ON A VACATION, BUT LEAVE AFTER IT
  7. I HATE portrait work... ¤#"%#

  8. I think that would do the trick specially if you are talking about the box version that norway has alot of However, we need a modeler... it doesn't have to be a skilled one, as long he or she would have to be able to make doors like everyone would know by now that I have a door fetish
  9. Juuuust an update To let the people know what we are doing
  10. Hurray for NoMods network BET @ s to have completed the first MP testing with successes

  11. hurray for chocolate and popcorn to "How I met your mother" :P

  12. That my friends is just 33.33% true Let me quote The term Viking (from Old Norse vĂ­kingr) is customarily used to refer to the Norse (Scandinavian) explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe and the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the mid-11th century. Meaning that Vikings come from scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden & Norway) Theese three countrys consider them selfes as good neighbors.. FACT: You can travel from denmark to Norway to Sweden to denmark and back again without showing your passport not even once... in fact, you do not even need to bring it along on this trip.. and THAT my friend is a 100% true.. And in fact again, I my selfe are going to do so in 14 days! Just becouse I love sweden, and we can buy taxfree goods on the "shortcut" ferry And THAT gave me an idea! LONG LIVE SCANDINAVIA! If I provide you with the model, can you make a color line skin?
  13. yes I know.. and we owe the creators of the models a huge thanks!
  14. well... I have a problem with the ladders... they just won't work... so we are using the LA Mod Ladders as we speak... however,, I was working on the portraits earlier... then I found out that that sucked... so I will instead use my time to look for a good ladder unit
  15. hurray for hot dogs and "how I met your mother" ^^

  16. first off... I were not mad if some of them not liking my skin xD I could not care less, it WILL go in the mod. The reason for my decision is simple, norway is going through a unit paint scheme change, and so will we.. Some will have the new colour.. Just like in real life. In an updatet version, we may have changed all. But time will tell on that project. secound.. please do tell if you dont like the skin, this is perfect feedback what to do next That also goes for the banner, I'm trying to make it not so colourish as the previous one.. But still keep the Norwegian Style over it Third.. Thank you all for the positive feedback.. Good feedback is like "gasoline for my engine" keeps me going so do not save the feedback, good or bad... is it bad, let us know... and we will try to make it better... HOWEVER if you just want to piss us of? Go find another soul to torment, or we will... make a advertisment poster on a building, in the mod where we reveal many of your intimate secrets.. NOW you have been warned.. fourth... stay tuned people.. this summer will be a GOOD summer for this mod.!
  17. whatever can I at least get an oppinion on my new banner? (not shure this was a good time to ask this, since everyone thinks the new unit was ugly but wth right? )
  18. WHAT!?!?! Don't you like my skin? OMG OMG OMG!
  19. Norway Mod is updated ;)

  20. Hello people, I got something I want you too see, Do the Norwegian People recognize this unit? It's just a BETA of this unit, don't know if I will release it with the others We'll see and let the people decide You can't yet... We are still in production & testing release is planned sometime this summer Maybe we will, wait and see
  21. the pictures are from the deluxe version, yes... however that does not matter, the mod is compatible with both versions Maybe even multiplayer, but that has not been tested yet.
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