I saw that one when I looked for the other pictures, even though it is sweedish... I vote for your choice... when do you think it is done? Here is what I got into the game so far: And here are the plans: Info: 1. Tried to integrate it... Game crashed... Need to investigate what to do next 2. Want it, havent got to it yet 3. Want it, havent got to it yet 4. Want it, havent got to it yet 5. Don't know about the car yet, but the lightwork on is is pornographic 6. Makes me laugh everytime I see it, but that is not a bad thing... Don't know yet what I could do with it maybe a kind of tow truck 7. Lightwork on it is EXTREMELY COOL, so I want to put it in the game maybe just on the existing cars 8. Want it, don't know what to do with it yet... Maybe just a personell carrier 9. If it had doors, it wouldn't even be a question... But it doesn't so we need a door modeler 10. If it had doors, it wouldn't even be a question... But it doesn't so we need a door modeler 11. If it had doors, it wouldn't even be a question... But it doesn't so we need a door modeler 12. Lightwork on it is EXTREMELY COOL, so I want to put it in the game maybe just on the existing cars 13. If it had doors, it wouldn't even be a question... But it doesn't so we need a door modeler And to answer to your earlier question... here is the first ladder in the NoMod: Modell: Chidea Texture: Original by Chidea.. Redone by ME