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Everything posted by FireFightersKid

  1. Hello I'm buzy with a mod... I've made the prototype files, but there are also doors who can open... But i don't know how i put it into prototype files... Does somebody know it? GRTZ FFK
  2. Maybe if I got the permission of Hoppah, i can make it to a submod...
  3. Omg! It's NICE! I think that v1.9 is coming.
  4. Hello, This is a new movie from my own reskinned/changed FBI SUV... It's also a some of Promo for the FBI SUV... Here is the movie: Grtz FFK
  5. Yes, you need the .dds file. You need to download .dds converter and unlock first the .v3o file in editor and then convert.! Then you can paint XD
  6. The light equipment vehicle can you download here... But my version of the lev can't you download (yet?)... Maybe if I got the permission of Hoppah and MCERT1 (the maker of the LEV) then you can download it.. Grtz FFK
  7. It's indeed from backdraft, but it's the final theme...
  8. Thx all... But i think that i have a small bug in the directional lights command... If i click on it, the directional lights go on, but the floodlights also... That's one little bug... But I dont know how I fix it.
  9. Nene, dat niet... Maar het is gewoon al om te testen hé... XD Om te kijken ofdat het veel bugs meeheeft fzo...
  10. Hello, I've updated the light equipment vehicle a little bit. I've put directional lights on it and new blinkers for left and right... And i've reskinned him a little bit... Here is a short movie. If I update him another time, i will put it on this forum. Grtz FFK
  11. Zou Stan het script ffe kunnen doorsturen naar ik? Zodat ik het kan testen? Of kan dat niet?
  12. Ok, thx But can you send them to me to? Because I want to try them ones... if it can...
  13. Ok, maybe i could try to contact the modder...
  14. OK, i'll gonna speak english... Maybe hoppah could make those things if a car from the police or fire dept. or ambulance etc.. passes near a car... (he drives on the side...) normally the car stopps, but why not this? i tried to speak english but srry for my bad english... The point is pass a car...
  15. Hallo, Ffe een voorstel voor de volgende LA Mod... Zou je dit er niet kunnen insteken hoppah? Dat als je brandweerwagens passeren de auto's niet stoppen, maar aan de kant gaan? Zoals dit filmpje hier... Grtz FFK
  16. I'm busy with a great reskin i think...
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