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About FireFightersKid

  • Birthday 10/05/1994

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  • Location
    Torhout, Belgium
  • Interests
    Brandweer, Emergency 4!

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  1. I've got a problem with my mod. I've downloaded the expanded freeplaymap v1.4 and put it in my own mod. But when i have a fire, the fire spread rapidly. And if I send to the fire my firetrucks then they explode.. How can I fix this?
  2. Ow man, i'm love this mod! ;-) Keep up the good work!
  3. Does anybody know where I can find a easy script that the roof of my firestation disappears and appears when I click the command?
  4. Yeah, ok that's the truth, but you know, just like me, that an ordaniry fire truck from belgium will never win from one of the american trucks. They should say for the contest a subject and place. Then we got all the same. Example: fire truck from iraq or ambulance from china
  5. ERS Berlin has such a script but the Winterberg also. I prefer the ERS Berlin script because he has less bugs.
  6. Got a question.. Does non-american vehicles have a chance too?
  7. Ambulance truck from Fire Department Torhout (Belgium) This is my entry
  8. Ok, now it works, but the problem i've got now is that the boat doens't get into the water anymore. In the superstructs from the truck there are 3 boats, FMB, FMB1 and FMB2. How can I fix it? Problem solved. Thanks!
  9. Ok, so if I understand it, in the original emergency 4 the .e4p is in the map of Prototypes/Fire Department, my .e4p is under the map Prototypes/02Brandweer. That should fix the problem? I'm gonne try this now
  10. I've made a fire truck with a boat on it. A custom TFMB and a custom FMB. But, if I spawn the truck ingame, then is it my custom TFMB but the original/standard emergency 4 motor boat on it.. Could somebody help me?
  11. I think I've found it, it's something with the coordinates. But how can I know the coordinates from my virtual object?
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