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Everything posted by erfd

  1. Im not sure, but I don't think they do that in L.A.
  2. It looks awesome, like the placment of things. It looks small, because they still got a lot of work to do and it isn't fully filled yet.
  3. I play flight sim x, turn up the realism all the way so its like really flying. Its hard, but fun.
  4. erfd


    You were right, he went by ambulance, surgery , two blockages, they put 1 stent in, hes fine. Thanks very much.
  5. Hey, did anyone ever fix the paths on his map? If you did can you send me the file?My email is on my profile.
  6. erfd


    Hey My grandpas in the hospital with his I think 5th heart attack. Hes in surgery now, so wish him luck.
  7. Awesome, and very like a US fire station. Dude, you guys are modding gods!
  8. I think you have to make an account, then download the updater here: http://forum.winterberg-mod.com/thread.php?threadid=4734
  9. Looks amazing, I've always had a dream of becoming a Army or Air Force Fire Fighter. I would wanna help, but the best I can do is edit pre-made skins on vehicals.
  10. Can't quite make out what your saying, but did you turn down the graphics on the game?
  11. I thought it was new mod you click on?
  12. From Minnesota, think im 1 of a kind up here
  13. You have never seen a LAX Crash Tender go to a car fire?
  14. I ban you for banning Tomyboy.
  15. Ok, thanks, this is going suck... oh well, only gotta do it once.
  16. Hey, I joined a local police explore program, and you get tazed and mased. So I was wondering if anyone knows what it feels like? ( rated by the pain 1-10, 10 being HELL!!! )
  17. Also, the activation codes only work for that cd.
  18. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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