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Everything posted by erfd

  1. Is there any way to unpack files other than using the editor? My editor is really slow
  2. You did trash his topic revendge lol
  3. Thanks! Ill try to learn that stuff.
  4. This is my first try at a mission. I'll add the pictures to the first post. (please move to submod topic)
  5. Is it the sign Porn Landury Servive?
  6. Thanks a lot! It works now.
  7. Thanks... I'll try it out later EDIT: I dont see a tools button... is this in the mod folder?
  8. When I change the name of a file (ex: ambulance02.dds) to a ambulance02.v3o, it wont change the type of file, it says its still a dds.
  9. erfd

    Ladder 49

    Is the new york mod comin out for this!!!?? I was wondering where I can download that here. :23_31_4: lol
  10. erfd

    Ladder 49

    This is my favorite topic
  11. Parents are going to Mexico , we might be going to Florida though.
  12. lol it wasnt the funniest movie Ive seen, but it was good.
  13. I saw the Hangover. It was pretty funny.
  14. erfd


    Well 14-20 inches of snow coming over the holidays + what we already have. Did I mention steady 30 mile per hour winds with gust up to 50? lol
  15. erfd

    Ladder 49

    Thats the thing, we dont know how to.
  16. Is there any thing he hates? Do that and maybe he will stop...
  17. Dad had a structure fire. Around 4 pm. Got it out pretty fast though.
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