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Everything posted by erfd

  1. Updated First post with pumper 11.
  2. Decompression is an advanced skill used for releasing pressure. Compressions are as basic as they get, they recommend even untrained peole try to do them. I already changed the vehicles around (a few) and some people. I changed the models etc then redid lights and doors etc. With la mod units.
  3. I think they can in ny, but his more of a joke I think. @ mike nice, I've thought about looking into that kind of career path.
  4. Mike, you an investagator or something?
  5. No, it's a very time cosuming task. There is a tutorial in the tutorial section to get you started. Good luck.
  6. What about the American airlines flight that fell out of the sky into the nebiorhood, might be intresting mission:
  7. Ya it didn't make any sense why it didn't work. I removed restrictions for units that can have it and thought it was right, but it only worked for a few cars, every otherone was a failure.
  8. It was my submod bud no, I never was able to edit the script to be able to work as I wanted.
  9. I love playing mods that are advanced (etc. winterberg,) But I also get sick of all the advanced stuff so I will play mods down to the basics, but I still have NY units. So people will play both.
  10. That's a nice model. I've never used that program but it is very smooth textured.
  11. Maybe he expected the yellow car to come from where all the other cars came from.
  12. erfd

    More free space

    I think there is a limit on the amount of vehicles you can buy toatal.
  13. erfd

    Zmodeler 2: 3D-Modeling

    Thanks a lot hoppah. This taught me how to model from a box to a full rescue truck. It took one year, but I learned it. Thanks a lot!
  14. I used to live in florida, and there were some really fu**ed people. My nebior 4 blocks away killed his wife and 8 year with a sword a few years ago down there.
  15. Or wait a few months for the english version.
  16. Models have been done forever ago, now there working on scripts, map, etc.
  17. Would you happen to know any of these links stan? (just kidding)
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