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Everything posted by erfd

  1. Video has really bad quality, still can kind of tell whats happening though...
  2. Do I think these videos have an affect on DK driving, no because a)who watches them? and b) Everybody that does it, has been told its bad before, but don't listen, so I dont think a video is going to change that.
  3. You dont unintall the mod after you install the submod.
  4. Just an FYI on translation, kaiser is really busy with stuff in real life.
  5. lol, I love the guy on the PA and he says its a lady in the video over the PA.
  6. One word, faggot lol. I hate people that dont move for emergency vehicels.
  7. Ya, thats a pretty awesome model. I cant see any problems with it, good job.
  8. Can you take a picture in 3d mode?
  9. Also, a large truck will make a safe zone around the accident and will be a lot more visible than a smaller unit.
  10. It the configuration there is an option to enable "frozen hydrants."
  11. lol' and I thought had weird problems' this tops it for me.
  12. They said that there will be a large training center you have to do that will explain it all for ya. A PASS is the alarm that goes off on a fire fighter SCBA Tank if they don't move for a little amount of time. Example
  13. I swear to g*d I'm going to... lol
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u2rlj3NV90 Neat video I thought.
  15. I love the reaction of everybody when another car tries lol, and the guy in the truck was up the hill if he would have kept going. lol
  16. They still have fire coverage, the stupid thing is they are going to pay very similar cost for the city to cover them rather than pay for thier own dept.
  17. Ya, I'm really surprised they gave up too. They could easily raise money, everyone loves firefighters But on money side, it is 153,000 or more depending on the tax levy. That was directly from the site. Any way, I really hope the fire fighters are able to stay involved in fire fighting some how...
  18. I'm sorry, but that fucking pisses me off. I couldn't imagine that happening to my dads dept. The video actually made me tear up a little. Quote from City site: The four-year interlocal agreement between the City of Evansville and Knight Township for EFD to provide fire protection, fire prevention and emergency medical services to the area of Knight Township outside the City limits will begin on January 1, 2011, and expire on December 31, 2014. Under terms of the agreement, Knight Township will pay the City $153,000.00 or the maximum approved fire protection and prevention tax levy for 2011, whichever is more, the first year and an amount to equal the maximum tax levy the subsequent three (3) years. So, they will end up paying nearly the same for fire protection anyway? Source: http://www.evansvillegov.org/Index.aspx?page=9&recordid=874&returnURL=%2fIndex.aspx%3fpage%3d39
  19. It was orignally susposed to be moddable, but I'm guessing valuesoft didn't update the description of the game. They are the same game, just different distributers.
  20. Does anyone else have problems with calling in backup fire units? I always have a traffic jam down there and can never get back up on scene, so I send some fire fighters on foot with hoses to the scene. Does anyone know how to change the location th units come in? (Fire nits)
  21. As long as you edit the text hints that pop up when you go over them, it would be fine I think.
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