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Commander Rasseru

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Everything posted by Commander Rasseru

  1. Do some of guys don't seem to like to see any Mods of a Asian Nation? This is a International Emergency forum... We should promote this game to be played in the East. Sounds like we are mad about current events than thinking how neat it would be if a mod. Too much politics! Think more about Emergency Services and how good of mod it will be?
  2. lol very funny! But I still like to see some one to script a K9 unit. Why do people think every one should have a gun? Guns aren't the answer.... Your right... Only USCG on ships or at bases will carry guns... A Helicopter team won't really carry one. If they did? It would be a different USCG guy who trained in firearms only. Plus firearms wiil be a risk be carried in a Helicopter.
  3. The SAR dog's breed is not a attack dog.... Plus Dogs are trained to do one job. Not many jobs... Drug Dogs find Drugs.... Search Dogs Search People. Hardly no dogs team will be trained in every thing. That how it is in real life.
  4. Hoppah don't always have to script it... Someone else can script it and give it to him. He can use other people's work. Like how we use some of his work because he is nice to let us.
  5. The game does have dog attacks... Why not control an K-9 dog that can attack on command? All the scripts must be there. Just need to be edit?
  6. I wonder if their is a Knife Script some where for Knife Attackes. I want a Attacker to hold a knife and attack people with a extra blows when hitting some one. Also a way for a policeman to disarm him without getting hurt or barely get hurt. Without a guns. Any one have any idea?
  7. I only like the Motorbikes. They use Honda bikes! That's the best type Police Motorbike I say! http://policecar.nomaki.jp/vfr800p.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnaWs2hodbs...feature=related This is the video I saw... of Malaysia.
  8. I even don't understand it half the time! And I speak, write, and read it...
  9. That wouldn't be too hard to model it. It a nice box shape Toyota Van. Have you try to make it or you don't know how? I maybe can help.... But I'm no model maker.
  10. I like their Police motorbikes! I look cool! Malaysia would be a cool Mod...
  11. I blam GTA 4.... To making a city of New York would be mindbreaking hard to make a map and its buildings... Why you think GTA 4 took 4 years?
  12. If you do Washington? I would like to have a NCIS team you can have. I just think people are only voting NY because they are sick of waiting for one... Or they don't think Washington can be cool.
  13. Yet if a Quint in the game. Then all the newbie players want to buy alot of them in multiplayer. They will say "Because they look cool!" When I'm telling them we don't need that many! They won't be using them as Aerial apparatus but as a pumpers... That my whole point of a Quint vs Pumper in game. Like to play a good game without people buying crap that not needed. Because they don't want to play a hard game or want to buy things because its cool. Some players need to understand about budgets and problem solving what limited units. The Real life Departments have to do that. Just wonder if a Quint will be a problem in game realism when playing with others.
  14. Having a Quint is cool but in real life they cost alot! If a Quint in a game it would have to cost alot to buy one and a quint ladder is not as long as a Tower Truck. Alot of quints don't have a basket on them... So a Fireman can't ride on one to get in a house. If a quint is in the game? It would be another pumper with a long range water cannon that the ladder will control. And sick in cost to buy because many departments can't have alot of them. Ask any Captain fireman how much a new quint cost to a normal new pumper.
  15. If you guys send me screen shots of all of our mods? I will make a cool First Responders Mod Team banner. Also it seems like some of us need to start helping each other with our projects.
  16. I like to see the other mods your working on done first before starting a new mod. That how come some mod take too long or get canceled.
  17. Is some other guys doing NY? ether way... I think its good to do rare and never been done before.
  18. I know that... The game is already set up to right to left. Just us people who making U.K. Japan, and etc. mods have to do the other way.
  19. I should make a sample of a EM4 map with a American road style on it..
  20. Won't be too hard? Any one can try this if the have Photoshop or a program like it? Changing roads only wouldn't be a problem. I have done this before. This is how. Just a normal file image of the ground map you want to have american roads. Be on New Layer and use the Square Marquee tool. Select a part of road and don't select over any sidewalks. After select you road on the new layer. Use paint bucket to paint an cover inside Marquee. If you select over sidewalk or you have curves? You can just trim off or erase. The cover color should be road color. Blacks are new tar road, Greys are older tar roads, and Light Greys are concrete. To give your roads some textures. Use the filter, blur, and smudge tools. Filters are easy and fast to use. Paints are their own layers. Made easy by line tools and shape tools. Wise to keep paint layers always by themselves. Old paint looks are hard to do... Tried before. Since these are layers above the map image. You can see how it matches with the map. After you done with roads. Save your files incase you need to make edits and keep layers apart. Then save as a TGA image and use editor to import it to replace game map. You can see how the Game light and game graphic makes your roads look like. So you can have American Roads when playing LA Mod. Or any other roads... I'm doing the same thing for Tokyo Mod. If your really good you can make your own roads like this.
  21. Deluxe also has more bugs with mods.
  22. Road signs would be nice. Why not change the roads too look like America roads. *paint bucket*
  23. Place in the World: Turkey Where in Turkey: Istanbul Time of Place: Today World I saw something about a huge fire at the Airport where they had to bring in Fire planes. It was on CNN 2 years ago...
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