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About keepachris

  • Birthday 02/02/1992

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  1. i think the only thing this mod is missing is the back to station function, hope you get around it soon!
  2. I thought when I saw the post yesterday saying an update will be released, it would be a playable update. This is a good mod and I'm massively disappointed that it's been cancelled. There isn't many UK mods with working fire stations apart from the welfordshire mod which is a good mod but the map let's it down and units always get stuck off map. Had high hopes for this mod. Hope somebody takes it on and releases it! Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  3. Will the return to fire station script work on the update?? Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  4. not sure if it's just me but sometimes on emergency calls i can't get paramedics to get the stretcher out of the ambulance no matter how many ambulances i call :/
  5. Hi, i played Emergency 4 on my laptop for about 2 years upgraded to Windows 10 and it just crashes to destop from the black loading screen. i've updated my AMD drivers still crashes tried running it as Administrator and compalibility all the way from xp (SP2) to Windows 8 still same outcome. please help :/
  6. Hi sorry for the late reply, Just returned from holiday. Thank you for the advice!
  7. Hi I want the fire officer in the London MOD to have the same options as the battalion chief in the LA mod (to call extra units etc) is this hard to do? this is only for my use and I have no intentions of releasing it etc
  8. Love this mod the only thing that let's this mod down is the time it takes units to get on the map when called takes forever sometimes the units never appear
  9. Hi was wondering if there is anyway to edit the spawn time when buying vehicles off map and them appearing on the map at the spawning point. Thanks
  10. Hi Nathan, Just followed all of your instructions and still no luck. The .cfg file had my resolution saved from when i changed them before, and they are correct according to what control panel says (1366 x 768). I've also tried running it as administrator and as XP SP2 & SP3 compatibility. Thanks
  11. Was this Tutorial ever released? as i have problems with windows 8 http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/18151-windows-8-crashing-emergency-4-deluxe/#entry257123
  12. Hate Windows 8 :( Emergency 4 now not working :(

    1. FDNYpower


      yea I don't think the camera hack works on 8 cause its not working for me

  13. Hi, I have updated to windows 8, before i updated i used windows 7 and Emergency 4 ran with no problems. Now when i try to run it crashes to desktop before the intro video starts i have tried the following - Clean install of Emergency 4 - Running as administrator - Running in Windows 7 Compatibility - Running the Windows 8 Troubleshoot Compatibility (which tried to run it in Windows 7 & Windows XP SP3) - Updating Video card Drivers (all of which are up to date) - Changing the resolution in the .cfg file i do not know what else to try... any help would be greatly appreciated Thank You
  14. Thank God for that well next time i will just stick at it for longer haha
  15. Is anybody else having problems putting out alarm box fires in high rise buildings it has happened 3 times now each time I have 5 engines and two ladder's but the fire doesn't seem to go out after being extinguished for 15mins (real time) by 20 FF's and ladders don't seem to do much but cool trees nearby it wont let the ff extinguish the fire.
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