I did not compare anything. I simply posted up the pictures to help Hoppah get an idea of the types of integral/interior lights that one federal agency uses. Keep in mind that at the time I was not sure which agency the SUV was being created for. I chose to post up USSS pictures because one can actually see the lights in action compared to the DHS vehicle. You are wrong in that the Secret Service is “all about show.” One might assume this because of the portrayal of the SS in the media. Yes, the USSS does make sure its presence is known both for protective and politician notability reasons, but keep in mind that presidential protection is not the only task that the USSS is assigned to perform. In addition, the USSS is responsible for the security of National Special Events (i.e. Olympics), investigation of identity theft, financial fraud crimes, missing and exploited children, and school shootings. The USSS needs the same amount of discretion as the FBI when performing such duties. If you do not mind me asking; are/were you a member of a law enforcement agency?