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  1. Incredible to see this sub-mod still going strong. I am a big fan as I was with the LAPD. Hats off to goog, CFD, and all involved!
  2. Glad to see this sub-mod is still chugging along. Great work CFD and Goog! If you need any photos or videos of LA based units please let me know.
  3. I'm sorry you lost me there. Could you explain how I would go about saving the model files in the prototype folder?
  4. Yea, I find that the lights have too much of a starburst effect. I would like to zoom in really close, but my current computer can't handle it. I love the lights that you did awhile back for most of the LAFD units, and the old LAPD Crown Victoria. Those lights were really nice. I'll have to look up those corona settings and set these light models to those settings. I know how to tweak the lights in the editor, but my question to you is how do I save the lights so that it remains unchanged if I have to reinstall the game?
  5. The lights and models look great CFD and Goog. I love the red LEDs on the CHP units. Can't wait for the rest. I realized that a couple of things were off or missing with the lights. LAPD Slicktop: The rear light is supposed to be yellow not red. The flash pattern is a simple, steady alternating blue, yellow, blue, yellow, etc. I noticed in game that the pattern double flashes especially when I turn on the traffic director button. Reference picture: LAPD w/ lightbar: The yellow traffic advising lights do not come on when the lights are in traffic directing mode. LASD: The yellow traffic advising lights do not come on when in the lights are in traffic directing mode. CHP Charger: When in Code 3 mode the rear traffic advisor blinks lopsided yellow to the right. I think you said you were going to set it so that it flashes in the middle. I'm assuming it slipped your mind. As mentioned in previous posts by other members, the hazard lights are missing. That's all I could pick up from just installing the new cars. I don't know if it's my computer or graphics card, but the lights have too much of a halo when they flash. Do you know how I can reduce that effect in my editor? (If you could tell me what number to tweak that would be very helpful.) Also, on my screen the red lights show up as more of an orangish-red color instead of a sharp red color. What red color do you recommend that I change to in the editor? Once again thanks. We all really appreciate the effort and time you guys take to do this for us.
  6. The lights look great CFD. You did a great job capturing the unique patterns for the lightbar model. One thing about the arrow stick lights on the slicktop Charger: the lights should not be flashing lopsidedly to the right. The yellow lights should be flashing in the middle. Reference video from Mikesphotos: I mentioned this awhile back, but I think you thought that I was talking about the lightbar.
  7. Looks great. Couple of things though: on the left side of the ambulance body, the light placement is off. The upper lights are too far apart when in fact they are close. And it's also weird that the last upper red light is placed slightly lower. Also there should be a red light right above the rear wheel wells on both sides of the ambulance box body. Reference picture: http://www.braunnorthwest.com/popup.php?id=558&pid=16025
  8. https://www.emergency-planet.com/video/video.php?v=10150194352747201 Video of LAFD Dodge ambulance light patterns by Mikesphotos You are correct, the LAX ambulance is a slightly greenish yellow color: Note: The lightbar has to be all red. It looks like you used the same lightbar as the EMS car. I see that you went with the newer Ford model. I don't think there is a newer Ford LAX ambulance, but it's not a big deal. BLS ambulance: Note: I just noticed, that on your BLS older style Ford ambulance, that you didn't put the hood number as shown in the picture. The older Fords have the hood numbers, while the newer Fords have the front number on the box as shown here: Same ALS ambulance, different angle picture: I hope that helps.
  9. Are you talking about the new Dodge ambulances? Consider my vote a yes, because I don't use the vintage ambulance at all. There aren't a lot of pictures of the new Dodge ambulances, so it might be difficult to model it. I'll try to get you some pictures sometime in the future. The ambulances in the preview pictures look great. Have you thought about doing away with the mostly white BLS ambulance with an all red ambulance? I haven't seen a white BLS ambulance in quite some time. All the BLS ambulances in service are the red ones with the 800 numbers. Reference picture: You can use the same model that you use for the ALS for the BLS and just make sure the BLS has an 800 unit number. Or you can just have a halogen lightbar for the BLS (paint the airport ambulance all red) to distinguish it even futher from the ALS ambulance. Either this way or that way, it's up to you and I'm positive that everything will look great.
  10. I believe that's the project that you're referring to. I think that submod is dead in the water.
  11. Nice job on the lights CFD. Other than the video you posted, I've never seen a CHP rear lightbar pattern like that. (I'm talking about the lopsided yellow lights.) I have seen the blue light on and yellow lights pulsating to the left and/or to the right many times. This video shows the pattern that I'm most familiar with: The middle yellow lights light up and then the red and blue on the ends light up. Either that lightbar was malfunctioning or more likely the CHP was testing out different patterns, and finally settled with the one shown in the aforementioned video. Also I was wondering why you made so many individual lights (I counted 10) for the rear lightbar. In real life, CHP slicktops have either a 7-count or 8-count rear lightbar. (Nevermind my inquiry, if it's technical or you put it that way so that there's more ahh factor.) The video that I posted above has a 7-count lightbar, while the one in this picture has an 8-count lightbar: Thank you for your time.
  12. I'm glad there are no ill feelings. The unmarked vehicles and LASD Tahoe look great. Two small things though: 1)the rear lightbar is missing on the Tahoe. All marked Tahoes, both newer and older Tahoes, have that because the SUV is much longer than a regular patrol car. 2) Because of the angle of the photo, I can't really see if you put the two grille lights in the front. Reference picture for LASD rear lightbar: LAPD Tahoe doesn't have one. Picture: Reference picture for LASD grille lights: If it's too much work to add both of them, don't sweat it. Most people won't even notice.
  13. There are no LAPD slicktop chargers in real life, but that looks too good to give up. Goog1967, I hope I don't come across as overly critical and nitpicky. I really do admire all of your work and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to update the units to make the LA mod more fun for the rest of us to play. As for the hummer, I NEVER use it. The only time I "used" it was when the mod came out so I just called for it, to check it out. I'm all for the LASD marked Tahoe. The only unmarked LASD Tahoe I've seen is this one: All the other Tahoes, that I've seen in person and in pictures are the marked ones. http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=lasd+tahoe&m=text I'm assuming you'll go with the new generation of Tahoes that you use for Canada Mod.
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