Where do you download the damn thing? every link i clicked on there(i just clicked randomly since i don't understand a thing of that language) redirected me to some other odd page.
You're suggestions won't add anything to the game and/or aren't possible or would just be really frustrating if added. Do you people ever think about the suggestions before you post them?
Kudos for me I just want the country for this one. (did not edit the picture at all.) http://farm1.static.flickr.com/133/3548036...48c060f.jpg?v=0 I had to post a link to the picture because i kept getting an error: THE FOLLOWING ERROR(S) WERE FOUND Sorry, dynamic pages in the [IMG] tags are not allowed
It's been really hot the last couple of days, over 20° C (like hoppah said, over 68° F) and no wind at all, and during that time, i'm working outside. :willnicht: We had some rain over the weekend though, but then it got hot again.