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Everything posted by thossi69

  1. If my guy misses he'll get a suspension!
  2. That would be neat. But what about just a normal paddy wagon for prisoner transport? aren't they used for that?(i'm not exactly sure on that matter. Maybe Mike can explain it for me )
  3. What was quite annoying was that i sent my police officers to arrest the guys near the barn and in the cabin, and then extracted them out of there and took all of my police guys out of there, then i sent my firefighters in, and when i started working on the other side of the forest and then came back, all of my firefighters were dead because i didn't know about the guys at the house! EDIT: Dammit! i was talking about the wrong mission..(mission 5) i finished this one already :/
  4. Aww.. you didn't quote my suggestion i thought it was quite good and easily scriptable
  5. I saw when i was watching the EM3 LA Mod video that there was a paddy wagon.
  6. No thank you. The japanese emergency service vehicles are not nice. Sorry to tell you that..
  7. I have one question. Is their any info on the web about it?
  8. And i also see that there are different trucks and more missions and other siren commands for EM3.
  9. I have a new suggestion to make, and some screenshots from it too. How about a City Works base? 1.) You could use one of those doors to animate some sort of vehicle transfer, the cars would just transfer through that door and then the tow truck would go park again. (btw i'm not talking about that the door would have to open, just that the car would simulate that.) And maybe we could have the gate open and close, so that crooks couldn't do anything to the base. This place is right in the middle east of the freeplay map. 2.) Add some parking spaces in the back of the Police Station for the little SWAT Trucks and the Bomb Squad Truck. I doubt that this will be tough scripting but what do i know. -thossi69.
  10. Haha, when i heard that on the news the first thing i thought of was the LA Mod
  11. Don't replace the white crown vic! replace the LAAP rather than the LAPP
  12. I actually agree on that, we have the charger, that's enough. And the camaro isn't that good on the eye either, it looks like a normal car..
  13. Noooo! it's the only white crown vic, so it should stay.
  14. actually, that's a really good idea, i like it
  15. NO! LAPP must stay! i love those white cars I would also vote the camaro off the island.
  16. I was refering to as if they had it on there but DISABLED. As if asking if a model of the cannon was on the fire engine, but wasn't used.
  17. Did the fire engines used to have a watertender before? (that was disabled) But on a lighter note, awesome update, pure awesomeness!
  18. Sorry about that, got a little too OVER excited, haha
  19. em4_Police, i love your sig, im from iceland (and sorry for my offtopicness.)
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