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Everything posted by EmergencyFan97

  1. I've done it, too, Voodoo. Hey, send me a linky to that, would ya?
  2. Thanks. Guessing you just put out the fire?
  3. What do you do on the "Personsuche" mission?
  4. I downloaded the new "fixed" torrent and still have CTD upon loading. Starting to lose faith.
  5. Great to see you back around, Hoppah.
  6. The funny thing is, there are laws to prevent people who stop from being sued.
  7. Modelers create the models you see in the game, i.e. the vehicles, the buildings. You shouldn't need a modeler, only someone to do people skins..
  8. Soldjaboy, in your last picture there's three different kinds of ambulances. I recognize two of them--stock LA and the large rescue ambulance, but what are the two on the right-hand side of the picture?
  9. I have no problems loading Wegberg as a normal mod.
  10. EmergencyFan97


    Well, we don't have a vice squad, either.
  11. EmergencyFan97


    Pretty sure that's a NO. Check out the site here: ertrpg.com for more information.
  12. It is missing person. Don't know how to do it though.
  13. That's awesome. What'd you make it with?
  14. Well, what I've noticed is that pedestrians tend to move into the street during incidents. Simply remove them from the street and your problem is solved.
  15. For those of us who are English-speakers, here's an English link to that page: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17851
  16. How do you send the units back to the station?
  17. If this is the one I think it is, where the pager says 'Person hinter tur' (I'd do an umlaut but don't know how), then I'm pretty sure you have to break down the door.
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