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About sleepyzsx

  • Birthday October 27

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  1. http://www.atari.com...irst-responders It does ask you for a promo code there, give it a try.
  2. I went through all the options and didn't find anything there .. Thanks for doing that, i saved it and replaced the one I had it didnt work for me but your cam settings for zoom are better then the one I had set up. This does work but for me its the Alt key not Ctrl. I guess its not a big deal I can use the Alt key just gotta get used to it lol.. Thanks all for your help.
  3. I had the same issue I was able to fix it by changing the resolution in the EM4.cfg file to match the resolution you have set up. You will need to give yourself permissions to the file first below is the 2 lines you need to update. <var name="r_xres" value="1360" /> <var name="r_yres" value="768" /> I hope that helps!
  4. Hey Guys, I looked around and couldn't find anything to help me with this if there is please direct me there. I have no issues with gameplay its self however I can not rotate the camera the usual way by holding the mouse scroll button. Steps I have taken to resolve. Re-installed 911 FR Updated drivers for Microsoft Wireless Mouse Thanks in advance.
  5. sleepyzsx

    Orlando SUB Mod

    Hey all, I just started working on a Sub mode for FL since I didnt see any, this one will be based on ORLANDO/Orange County veichles. They will be reskins from Hoppahs LA Mod. Below are pics of the units I will be skining. I will need assistance with lighting if anyones wiling to assit me.
  6. In the city you will sometimes see those types of trucks with the original engine number in yellow as you saw in your pic, as have already probably figure out those are reserve trucks that are used to replace trucks that are in service in case of repairs or maintenance, they are also often used as temporary trucks while the original trucks might be participating in parades or special events. These are not to be confused with reserve trucks that are in service at the special stations of their perspective boroughs(sorry i dont remember the exact term for these stations, Similar to NYPD Support Services Borough, that have stations in each Borough to support local PCTS. ) and used to assist local stations however are rarely used and these stations usually use their other trucks such as rescue, collapse rescue, so on an so fourth. These trucks are number normally like those of the regular stations however the ones I have seen sometimes are in gold instead of white. Hope that helps.
  7. I noticed you had a NYS Trooper chopper, will you be adding any State Troopers?
  8. Looking to play MultiPlayer. LA Mod 2.0 Hit me up ON Live Messenger or E-Mail sleepyzsx@msn.com
  9. what i would like to see is a Lifeguard like someone previously made for EM3 its good for drowning cases and stuff like that, i think it would be cool lifeguards should have the ability to stablize like the firefigters can untill a medic gets there and ability to call a ambulance and police
  10. Well you know how the mod has the U.S Forest Firefighters? why not add the US Forest Rangers ? Just an Idea
  11. Why was my picture of aux removed? It is relevant to this topic its a suggestion for the next version
  12. Hey hoopah great mod btw I love it!.. I have a suggestion you know how the regular game the cops dont carry guns but can make arrest direct traffic .etc I was thinking why not a traffic officer or traffic enforcement type of unit? It will be useful for taffic incidents traffic lights gone out .etc Heres a photo of a parking enforcement in LA I guess it can be similar to that or the nypd trafiic unit which looks lik e except it says traffic instead of auxiliary. I think that will be a good add instead of using cops all the time for dumb things like traffic Edited:Removed NYPD Aux Picture
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