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Everything posted by groovybluedog

  1. I am also in the same issue. I am currently trying to figure out how to open maps in the editor and edit the fire station myself.
  2. Shame Emergency 2012 is missing so many features, Including save freeplay... Thats why I loved and still love my option to downgrade to EM4 :]
  3. I want to change alot of vehicles, in both stations. Personally I'd rather learn to make maps, Then I could edit the spaces myself and make the station bigger, whichever way, I need to way to change things around, and I simply cannot understand the first post.
  4. I am not trying to slag anyone off the mod, but note this mod takes away your Multiplayer, Modifications, Load/Save and Freeplay buttons on the menu by replacing the EM4.EXE file mainly. The mod only allowed me to do campaign, through all the default campaigns. To get back my original game where I could use mutliplayer and freeplay ect, I had to reinstall the whole game! Grrrr.
  5. Sorry to say but the "tutorial" is not very detailed and I am confused on what to do. I may uninstall LA Mod and put the LA Mod vehicles / W00Ds maps in the base game because of the fire stations in the LA mod maps.
  6. Found it. I edited the shortcut and put "-editor" on the end. It worked. Its loaded, but I have no idea how to load a map into it.
  7. I am using 911 first responders - Maybe 911FR does not have the editor? D:
  8. Aww thats a bummer. Maybe one time in the future... ;(

  9. Awesome! I am GMT, In england. Hopefully we can play mutliplayer together sometime?

  10. Hurry with the tape XD - I love police tape lol, I like the one in emergency 2012. You select the tool, Move the cursor and click where you wanted it. It was tape on two stands, but they were preset. This new tape looks good as you can vary the size!
  11. Please upload it - I found this video: http://wn.com/mbloch44 (View 2nd video) with loads of government and US Army vehicles in. It had more helis and a jet. It says its LA Mod, so it must be either for Emergency 3 or its LA Mod 1.9...
  12. Hi All, When installing mods, I found many have options for deluxe. I am obviously english, thus use 911 first responders, but is there a 911 first responders deluxe? or is it already included like patches? -Groovy
  13. That leads me to ask, What country/timezone are you?

  14. I know about the directory, but I see nothing there to help me? A mods folder, A useless data folder as the mod takes over it, An EM4, a Mod installer and a few other puny files.
  15. 1) Fast responses.

    2) Great spelling and grammar.

    3) Friendly.

    4) Helps others.

    5) You are now my friend!


  16. One thing I do hate is when people create hell loads of good stuff, a thread with screenies and videos to get us excited, then to find the project has been abandoned. I understand people have a life away from mods which I am fine with, but they as "as another door opens another door closes" - What I mean is, as they move on, shouldnt the creator finish the project? Back on topic to ERS berlin, I do not see any difference in anything playing it. Freeplay and Multiplayer are bloocked out and campains are bog standard. EDIT: Epic fail. I misread: EDIT: Still does not work. Its buggered my entire game. Uninstalled. Thank god for the repair option built into EM4 installer.
  17. What software do I use to edit the maps? - Once I can actually convert/open the map or whatever I need to do, I can play around and probably learn from that. Infact I don't think its probable, I know it. If I can learn how to create flash, html, php, javascript and other programming languages for websites on my own, then I can most likely learn this on my own. ;P - Where is the "editor?"
  18. May be a dumb question, but Where can I find this editor? For any graphics ill use photoshop. Paint.net sucks. Paint.net renders as you do it, so you can only undo your last edit. Besides I have adobe master collection anyway Can anyone reccommend where I go to start learning this stuff? C++, 3D Models, Maps ect?
  19. I am also stuck. Near the end, A task is to find the criminals or something. They do not appear on the map and nothing in that URL about it.
  20. 2 and a half years? You must be joking. Please don't take that as disrespectful... but two years? Wow.
  21. 2nd install keeps crashing. 1st install uninstalled. Please fix
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