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Everything posted by groovybluedog

  1. You will be recieving a donation from me regardless =] PS: If you wonder who half the thread views of this topic have gone, they have gone to me - even though I don't post much. =]
  2. I would like to as well - But at different places. With LA Mod, and it's map, there are only two demonstration spots - One easy and one hard. There needs to be more places and a variety of variations. Some that need two people arrested and another where a full gang of SWAT with riot sheields and guns are needed... maybe even civilians slobbing down the street thowing items like the hacker mission. Hm...
  3. Are you learning to mod or enhancing your previous skills?
  4. I have discovered no difference between difficulty settings.
  5. Ouch - Thats a warning for you from the mods =0 Seriously though, I need that tape =3 - I'm offering to pay =3
  6. I am british and here we have very simple units. I struggled with LA Mod quite a bit until I read a guide on LA Units and how the system works. Could such a guide be created on New York Mod? Thanks.
  7. Nice mod but is simply was not for me. The units were quite frankly confusing. Could I suggest adding helpful descriptions to vehicles to tell us what they do? Maybe a few more commands to cops? O.O
  8. Yes, "Asking for release dates in this community is not appreciated" - A date is a specific day of the month. It says nothing in the terms regarding percentages though. I don't want to get into a huge argument about it though.
  9. So if a mod has been on hold a while and I want to ask if development is ongoing still, I may risk being banned? EDIT: I got a warning for asking for release dates before this post was made. I think it's unfair I get that warning as I did not know that sort of sentence structure counted as against the rules :/ EDIT2: I wish someone would of made that clearer before the warning. Google defines a date as "the specified day of the month", in which a percentage is not a "specified day of the month".
  10. Do we have a release estimate? I am not allowed to ask for a date due to rules, but what sort of percentage is mod complete? Are we talking days, weeks, or months? I cannot wait for release!
  11. Well I hope this barricade tape works!
  12. Thanks for your feedback. I think it would be awesome. You could do it in real life. I'm not saying the sirens do it, but a horn mainly means move in real life, and if he/she just wants the traffic to stop so he/she can pass, he/she just goes fast. It's only that idea put into a siren format. Or you can imagine the cop is saying "Move It! Move It!" via the built-in-the-lightbar megaphone. If Dyson cannot do it, I'm gonna' pay someone for a private release. I'm looking forward to the tape too.
  13. I like that idea. I think only normal police officers should be able to use it though. Swat don't put tape up lol. FBI do though.
  14. Thats the one ;P As for the idea, It's a siren module. Basically, all it is, is four siren buttons instead of 1. These siren buttons act just like the standard LA mod one in the sence you press once to turn on and another off. The idea of this is sirens will have individual functions. There are four awesome sirens in real life that can be used for the sounds which I will provide if you go ahead with this idea. This is what they do: Siren one would be just default - This saves time editing the auto siren button too. Siren two will force cars in the cops radius pull over to the side of the road like in real life, and resume after the cop has passed. Siren three will force all cars in the cops radius to stop moving completely. Siren four will force all traffic lights ahead of the cop to change green like real life sensors.
  15. Did you recieve me PM? My idea needs a lot of scripting... Can you? (Its worth it... I'm paying too!)
  16. I haz idea 4 ze sirenz in ze game. Do you wish to hearz ze suggestion? I also sent sir Dyson a Pri-vat Messidge.
  17. There is. I does not work in base game but in "options" of the base game there are levels. Easy, Medium and Hard. Could traffic levels be configured just for that? For example, setting it to easy has low traffic, medium... well medium, and hard... well thats blindin' obvious.
  18. That just puts in the original map with fire stations.
  19. Is it me or do one of the images in the first post have a fire station with the only virtual objects being between the engines? How the heck? In my edit I have em where the engine is and where it enters :O On topic, Nice mod!
  20. I think creator has gone mad and does not want to release it O.O
  21. Okay, Thanks. Unless a submod comes out that has a map without stations then Ill use just the base game. Thanks again.
  22. Hm... Would it be possible to put LA Mod vehicles into the original game? or would this need a lot of work again?
  23. I want NY Submod to come out NOW! The one by Dyson.
  24. Hi All, I am trying to get the first and original Freeplay Map still with LA Mod installed. When I say first and original, I mean the same one as you play if you don't load the mod. Without fire stations where everyone spawns from the main base building. Is this possible? I've moved files but only get crashes, so I am doing something wrong. -Groovy
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