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  1. Of course, anyone can join! Already been some success with people planning sessions! ;D
  2. So I reinstalled the game, but when I ran it and returned to my mods folder to put my old ones back, I found 2 mods completely there and 2 mods with residual files of just info files and icons. Where is it coming from? I checked my Program Files > WizardWorks folder (for 911 F/R NON-Steam version), AppData, Documents... can't find saved games or any form of cache so I am wondering how the new installation regenerated some of the mods but not others even though there were completely deleted on the uninstall. Very confused right now!
  3. I get an invalid license error and then failed to connect.
  4. I received an invalid license error and then failed to connect. Were you using one of those free hosts?
  5. To help organise things - especially after seeing a similar recent thread to this on two other forums - I created a Facebook group for us all! https://www.facebook.com/groups/em4mg/ We definitely need to organise something soon though; I haven't played multiplayer in almost 2 years so I have an urge to play with someone now!
  6. *raises hand* I would love to! I too am just looking for some fun and I also play both of those mods ;D
  7. Also in addition, some bugs: - At this spot by Patrol 3's parking spot/Juno Street, there are some severe issues with pedestrians getting stuck, bundling up in to a group and then blocking the road. This happens every time I start a new map and within about half an hour. It also occurs just around the corner in front of the fire station just south of the patrol car. - The air ambulance will not drop off civilians on the helipad; I must manually land and have a ground ambulance take the injured then send it to the hospital. - When spawning the swat command and riot vehicles which spawn off of Queen Street, if a civilian vehicle spawns at the same time the vehicle gets stuck. Normally when this happens with a civilian vehicle on another edge of the map I can shoot the car, put out the fire, pick it up and the issue is resolved however how this vehicle is bulletproof means it is permanently stuck there and there is no way to remove it. Applies to both vehicles and even when it isn't getting stuck with civilians, it still "bumps" on the map edge as if the back of the vehicle gets jacked up for a second. Weird! - On many occasions the pickup utility vehicles will park in front of each other or oddly when going back to their space 1 or 2. - Crashes when going back to the main menu - for example abandoning a freeplay game - will always crash the game. Not sure if that is just for me though.
  8. I downloaded the patch today but the instructions just say "If you wish to change to either Fire and EMS, or Fire EMS and PD..." - what exactly is the change for? I don't get it... Needs better explaining
  9. To park the police out side of the police station click the icon of Ford poloce interceptor utility that parks I. District spots Windows 7 64 Bit i5-4690k @ 3.50 Ghz Quad core 20 GB RAM 2GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
  10. For god sake I just crashed mid game again... this is getting unbearable. There is a spot for a fire supervisor SUV but not for police. I did just load the map in the editor and there isn't a police one nearby. I also tried to move the one in the far south corner but couldn't figure out how to move the virtual object. I clicked the move button but I could only rotate the whole thing. Gah.
  11. Ahhhhhh okay, my bad. I do find it odd that the two far south district spots are too close to each other yet the middle of the map is left out; there is one in the bottom right of the map but it's so far dug away that the other south west unit is always closer to everything. Not to sound like a moaning old bag, just my opinion I wish I could move the parking spots myself but every time I try I end up adding an extra point to the box or something stupid - the editor isn't the most intuitive but of course I appreciate the game is 10 years old
  12. Ahh right, personally I park the supervisor, two SWAT SUV's and two SWAT vans at the police station. I am deliberately parking Patrol 1 by Fire Station 6 as with all police cars (I did do undercover too - all of them are parked up) as the coverage in the south is all around the edges but no coverage in the middle of the map. Is there really any point to the supervisors without the ability to use them to call in more units?
  13. Ah excellent, thanks. That looked like a stand by button (which is useless as the supervisor doesn't have any commands to call in units like LA Mod does), but that works quite well. Only issue there is that police unit 1 - the first car on the list after supervisor - doesn't have a button. The coverage of all police vehicles in their district spots is good except for fire station 6 right in the middle of the map so at the moment I'm parking up there manually. If there is another update I hope they could make a district spot for the first vehicle right by fire station 6. A patrol feature would be good too. I LOVE the face I can turn the primary lights on and the vehicle speeds up yet if I turn them off it behaves like normal traffic... excellent. Also no traffic light issues here which is a f**king blessing. But again those crashes... this is the absolute worst mod for crashes. I haven't had this issue at all but I have had a different one; firefighters are becoming lazy. When I hit quick deploy, only one firefighter jumps out and he does nothing. I must manually do everything. Undeploying works though... I've tried sending to HQ and bringing on a new vehicle but nope. This started with 1 truck, now it's almost all of them. I was hoping to keep this freeplay going but looks like I will have to keep restarting them.
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