I think more updated vehicles like nicco's T5 or else would be great also new black politie uniforms would be nice, also versions with bulletproof vests would make all sceenes look better but that just my opinion
The EMS supervisor use bit different font of the "A" letter on the side of their car, because it is almost the only marking on the vehicle, I would suggest you to look more deeper into the font type
I think they are using much darker green, maybe olive ore something like that https://www.google.cz/search?q=miami+pd+swat&client=ms-android-tmobile-cz&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI_I7_6qPfxwIVZ3xyCh2i3gXY#imgrc=dfR7wt8jeZCphM%3A It is khakiI think
Ok thanks because I though you are going to make something like Venice Beach I think the personel would be great idea because you are always put impressive amoumt of details into the mods and it would be shame if it wasn't there everytime I am modding all personel have the most accurate skin I can get
Hello I am making fictional Czech Republic mod, well some units are real so thats why I need modeler for small things like lightbars or vehicles childs or editing existing models. I want to focus in map so if there is anyone interested PM me here or on my facebook page, also take a look and give me suggestions if you wish www.emergency-planet.com/pages/Hradecko-Mod-EM-4/1448288925415621
Hey! I am making my own mod and I am now strugelling with EOD, I want them to be police unit, not TEC, so if I make the person police officer and give him command to defuse bomb, will it work? Thanks!
It is called "blue death" basicaly your PC is not powerfull enought to run all those programs which can be problem for making a mod because working in editor comsumes a lot of PCU
Police units are not done yet or you are keeping them as a secret? Also will there be some special police/security units, for terrorists attacks etc.? All units looking amazing so far!
I am not being rude you misunderstood that I like this mod really much and I just though if he would use another model to put larger perfection to it. Even this model is more similar to Škoda Superb .... It was just an friendly opinion ... Well there are more, in czech mods, you can see more variants of Škoda's if you want PM and I will contact authors, they will be glad tu send it to you I think
I just wanted if you will make some map tweaks or it will be the same, because I think there wasn't a lot of people, also the the left low corner of the map was a bit unused. Thanks for the info