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Everything posted by Vojtula

  1. or you can use this Liberty II, scale it o vertical side and put the strobes via texture
  2. I know it is just up to CFD an Goog, mabye I should've used could instead of should. It was just a well meant suggestion.
  3. you should use better whelen lightbar model it would add more detail to the models. https://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2189-whelen-liberty-verschiedene-versionen/
  4. Oh thne I don't know, sorry. I only worked with zm2 not zm3 one think could be animations tho if the ladder had some
  5. When you have the z3d model opened make sure it is named the same in editor as you are exporting it. So if you imported the ladder I imagine it was named ladder.v3o so when you export the lightbar it needs to be exported as ladder as well or rename the model i Zm3
  6. looks nice but the light bar looks kindy simplis, and not in depth as the rest of the cars. there are plenty of whelen liberty models to download. Just my opinion
  7. You can make an invisible stretrcher (or something like that) and use script that needs two persons to carry strecher just what crossed my mind
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Model includes vehicle model without doors, that you can find in the file and also model with doors that can be used as civil car, and also a Photoshop file that can be easily edited http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png Just give me cretidts afterwards! https://www.facebook.com/dilna.emergency4/ Caio! Vojtula
  9. what about looking at german forumus for opel astra
  10. Yes, it is waiting to be approved, I am extremely busy these days.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    VW Amarok from Tamlans group, for EMS or other purpouses.I made this mainly for the purposes of EM4 and it is community. Use it, change it as you want. There is PNG, and also a Photoshop file that can be easily edited. Also there is a picture how the transparent parts are mapped.
  12. It is finished and ready to download! These are some Czech Skins, but it is serving as a ambulance in many countries! authors of the amarok DrDrummer, Janku authors of the whelen M7 Itchboy
  13. Version 1.0.0


    I made also a older version of whelen liberty, there are also included z3d, psd files to be edited. enjoy
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Autor and rules I made this mainly for the purposes of EM4 and it is comunity Use it, change it as you want. There is png, and also a Photoshop file that can be easily edited http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png Just give me cretidts afterwards! https://www.facebook.com/dilna.emergency4/ Caio! Vojtula
  15. It it finished and UV Mapped, still need some tweaks but mainly it is done authors of the amarok DrDrummer, Janku authors of the whelen M7 Itchboy
  16. This can ve easily solved by making in the mods default folder another one called Textures > Coronas I am using also Custom ones And didn't have problem
  17. Thanks http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png Well to je honest i am not fan od FS http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png And also I focus mainly on lightbars common in our country. But it doesnt look to difficult so I will give it a try next week.
  18. Hey I just started to make and Tamlans ambulance variation to VW Amanrok here are some WIP pictures authors of the amarok DrDrummer, Janku
  19. Version 1.0.1


  20. Version 1.0.0


  21. update I have finished also that justice BTW that skodas are made by wooder but I made a wreck from that yeti
  22. Hello I made my attemp to make a Whelen Liberty II lightbar it was made completly by scratch by me, it is no 100% accurate but what ever, I want to share this with comunity and when I finish Justice then I am going to release it.
  23. https://store.steampowered.com/app/757210/EMERGENCY_4_Deluxe/
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