First off, I know this went public very recently but here is a few things I have found / want to suggest. A few suggestions: -Have the fires last longer, by the time the engine gets there the fire is out. -CAFS system or portable CAFS. -Speed up the time it takes to spawn a unit -Ability to choose to do a certain type of mission(just firefighting, police, medical) -Stop multiple 'high risk' missions happen within a few minutes apart. A few bugs: -While testing whether or not a tanker shuttle would work(I was using 7 trucks, 6 connected and 1 not connected until it ran out of water), it suddenly crashed to the desktop. -While using another engine to feed a engine, the feeding engine acts as a hydrant and does not have its water taken away. -Traffic jams happen very frequently and are sometimes hard/impossible to fix. -While trying to start a new game, the game crashes to desktop. -(To my knowledge) there is no way to refill the cylinders after they are empty(if you know how to please tell me)