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Everything posted by tony11139

  1. Ah ! now i understand ! thank you i'll delete the lights ... So what's your other idea !?
  2. The amber light rotate on this truck. . i've tried this and i saw that is not so beautiful .. maybe i'll change it later ... The command is the same thing ... no change the only difference is that the directional light is on everytime but when you click on the directional light command , all car will be redirected..
  3. lol ! no problem tomorow or an other day ... i've no problem with that !
  4. Nice ! thank you for the encouragement There is the prototype folder! http://rapidshare.com/files/98080090/Prototypes.rar.html
  5. lol ! okay i'll try it too ! the only thing is that the car have no * fake light * on the mirror but it can be cool i've finish with the directional light for the fire truck i'll put the Prototype in few minutes after i do the rear mirror light on the unmarked car
  6. there's the Prototype file! http://rapidshare.com/files/98048391/Prototypes.rar.html
  7. Thanks I can make it on every time .. you mean for firetruck only? i think it's better because police car put them just when they have to put it... firetruck 2 but i saw this on the video .. just tell me
  8. I don't know how to help you with that!? Well i made new light on every vehicule who have * small lightbar * with no light so i put light on it ! just take a look http://rapidshare.com/files/98015907/em4_new_light.rar.html Enjoy!!!
  9. I've tried to upload it with the forum but it doesn't work .. it's not hard with rapid share .. just click Free wait some minutes or secondes and write the small letter and you download it ..
  10. I like your idea . do you want me to make all the time ON the directional light or just when you click on it !? because on the video the directional light is ON when the truck is running to a call For the second video i'll try to make some kind of them .. i'll replace the police ones .. thanks for the new Idea And yes i can make your new light with your lightbar .. and i'll try to do something with the side light on the fire truck thanks
  11. You want to know how to install it?! Just replace the PROTOTYPE file to this one *** C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.5\Prototypes *** No Problem Nice to ear that ! can I see what's your private mod ?!
  12. yes I'm and right now And check for the new directional light on couple of police car and a fire truck ! http://rapidshare.com/files/97824697/Prototypes.rar.html
  13. Yes sir. little video of the new dodge charger that's the link to download it http://rapidshare.com/files/97748984/dodge_charger.rar.html
  14. The light model I made about the charger is with this video For the Fog light and the rear light * reverse light * and i've made the same thing for the mirror light
  15. What kind of light .. i've tried to do rotation light but the rear amber light is too small so it don't look like they rotate... i've made these light now for the Charger because hoppah made the light on the mirror so i've put the light there I've change this thanks I'll check it out .. maybe just change the corona but i think it's the less one .. Edit : I can't do anything. I just reduce the size of the corona's .. that's the only thing i can do .. other thing i've change some directionnal light like this they look like the first 5 seconde of the video
  16. Hey Hoppah . I don't know if you saw my creation of your light , but maybe i can modify the light of your new lightbar . just a suggestion
  17. thanks all for your * help * i'm at my girl friend home and i'm going at my home tomorow because it have a big snowstorm here in quebec.. I think i can add additionnal light on the rear mirror but i'm not a modder so you'll just have light . there no red and blue color on the mirror ... for the other idea of the firetruck i think you mean the yellow light flashing? if it's that i'll try to do rotating light with it because in real life these light rotate ... thanks all Tony
  18. Nice Light Hoppah! but don't change all the light because it will be too similar juste change for couple of cars not all , for originality.. My opinion
  19. i made 2 video video of vehicule with rotating light and with flashinglight em4_rotation1.rar flashinglight.rar
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