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Everything posted by tony11139

  1. Ah ! ok you want me to put Directional light on when the Normal lights are on !? If yes .. that was in my plan !..
  2. Just here i make a new siren for the police so a replace the old sirens RAR in my page on filefront! Enjoy http://files.filefront.com/sirensrar/;1193...;/fileinfo.html SOUND/FX/SIREN in your LAMOD 1.6 directory Ok thanks.. if you can give me a video of that thing .. i'll understand what's this
  3. Do you have an exemple of what you're writtnig.. maybe it can help me with the lights ! Thank you
  4. Nice ! that's what i was talking about but i doesn't find picture thanks LAPD!
  5. Why a video Frank , you have the prototypes in your hand ?! check it in game it's better !
  6. I don't know !? Maybe because i don't know how .. maybe because i have to make light on lightbar maybe because i'm trying to script something that when emergency car is near a civil car the civil car will go to the side of the road !.. .
  7. Ok but will you change the other light bar by the new one i saw on the television i think it don't mather if its rescue 2-3-4-5! It will be more recent.
  8. Not this one the other one This one is awsome the other one is nice 2 but i saw that they change his light for 2008 Look on your website the swat rescue 1 is the other one with mx 7000 lightbar something like that
  9. I saw on televison last night * Video patrouille * a pursuit in los angeles and the same swat truck was there for backup and i saw the LAPD SWAT Rescue 1 ! and his lightbar was the same as the LAPD patrol car and your dodge charger patrol car ! I don'T have picture of this but the video was made in 2008 ..
  10. Hello again all! i've finish all truck ambu and police car with corner light ! you'll see more special light on police car now when you'll close normal light and just open directional you'll see something MAGIC XD ! Enjoy http://files.filefront.com/Prototypesrar/;...;/fileinfo.html
  11. http://emtbravowest.com/uploads/monthly_02...-1202617012.jpg Same one. Good Idea!
  12. Do you have picture or * video * of this it can help me ! Thanks for the suggestion
  13. It's working for me !? go there if it don't work http://hosted.filefront.com/vice13
  14. Thanks i'll check it out . i'll make, for the battalion chief , white light or red light that will replace the blue light I'll check this 2
  15. Change your AMB link re-copy it I delete I put it again because i saw that you post the link ! http://files.filefront.com/AMBrar/;11812823;/fileinfo.html There 'is the prototypes ! it's not complete but it will maybe next week http://files.filefront.com/Prototypesrar/;...;/fileinfo.html Enjoy
  16. There's the video in the editor : http://files.filefront.com/Newlightsrar/;1...;/fileinfo.html There's the video ingame ! : http://files.filefront.com/Newlights2rar/;...;/fileinfo.html Enjoy I don't finish everything so I'll not post the prototypes now
  17. The link doesn't work because i delete all the video i made i'll put an other one later this day BBL
  18. CFD and me made those sirens ! you can find it in my download page on filefront
  19. Allo! Hello! I made an other video of a Bigfire! I hope you'll like it! The video is large * like the other one or more * This one is not bigger than the other one 121 Mb Video : http://files.filefront.com/Bigfirerar/;117...;/fileinfo.html ENJOY People! * Comment *
  20. I made a video of a big fire contamination the video is very large because of the time of the video ... aproximative 20 min so if you have a slow internet conexion it's not a good thing to download exept if you're patient ! :1046275747_biggthumpup: Link : http://files.filefront.com/LAMODFIRECONTAM...;/fileinfo.html Be careful large file 147 MB! Enjoy the video ! It take 5 minutes for me with my highspeed connexion!
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