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Everything posted by andrew2007

  1. In all honesty this whole thing is giving me grief, and driving me nuts... (Sucks there's no emoticon for Cuckoo-Bananas) The doors are fixed right, but these script errors people are talking about i cannot replicate, or can i work out the problem with Su2 or the Bomb Squad. If there are other people who wish to try and help me sort this out, I would gladly appreciate it. Send me a PM please!
  2. Who ever said i can't fix it? I just removed the main download until i do...
  3. If you managed the effort to just read not even the prior page, but just a few posts up...
  4. I'll revoke the download link for the time being. Those having crashes it helps if you post your log files. I'll need to test this on another system, as with a fresh install of 2.0 it seemed alll okay :|
  5. Thanks, I'll try and fix that prob with Su2 and the Bomb Truck with the patch. And as for the doors, I was rather silly - I somehow forgot all the models and prototype files for the doors! A rather ignorant mistake. As for the Bomb Squad and SU2, would somebody be as so kind to post their log file. I'll package up a patch shortly. Not sure, I presume it may of been forgotten about. I don't want to pester the Staff.
  6. I'm failing to see how people are having problems, never the less... Here is the exe alone: http://www.mediafire.com/?gtzli2ykitm
  7. The bug with SU2 i know about, I will look into the doors issue.
  8. How are you trying to extract it? With what software? What browser are you using?
  9. What software are you using to try and extract, you can just also open up the zip file and run emu_setup.exe from there.
  10. Apologies for all the double posting and what not, but I can happily say that Version 1.0b HAS BEEN RELEASED! (Finally you all say ) Check the first post for any information.
  11. Err. It's still in there for me? In the police menu, post your freeplay and portrait files from your specs folder. Do you have any submods installed? I'm not too sure what you mean by this, mind explaining more?
  12. After a few solid hours of debugging, I managed to get down to the root of the problem, and it was ONE line that was messing up the whole script. I am packaging together the final files, and then will compile the installer
  13. Stunning work there Hoppah and MikeyPI! I'm looking forward to playing with the copters
  14. I'm banning you because you are banning someone else about their sig when you don't even have a sig yourself.
  15. Well it will be compatible with the AUS, and obviously the Even More Units submods. It'll work with any maps as long as they follow the same la mod structure - stations, same VOs, etc. This is a LA Mod submod, so it is made to be installed under the LA mod - so therefore i won't be including support for any other mods, i.e french mod, budapest mod, etc.
  16. You know what, thank you! That is the sort of logical thinking path i knew my mind was working around Which mods?
  17. Apart from the Additional Units Submod or any different Freeplay maps, not at this time. I could make it compatible with other submods if there is a high enough demand, other than that it'll require manual addition (which only involves copy and pasting lines to and from a few files.
  18. Well, no, not yet which I'm rather annoyed about. It's this one section of the script which pertains to the specialist calls for the Division Chief which isn't working. I mean, I could release it with just the units but it doesn't provide anything new which i wish to do.
  19. Here's a vid for those interested (Only a short snippet), available in HD at .
  20. A family member managed to track down the game while overseas for me and bought it, I'm just installing it and will post up a 'review' and screenshots. It's a german version, so i'll have to see how i go understanding it, Might be a call to take a course in german
  21. How have you got these? As brand new units? It'd be just as easy to overwrite the old with the new.
  22. From the overall look of the truck, and the way the body is shaped i'd say that the first photo in Texas_DPS's post would be the closest.
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