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Everything posted by Rlast

  1. Thank you for your compliments sir! Glad you enjoy them, hopefully more to come soon. Also, perhaps for the Highway Patrol Crown Victoria unit we will use a different lightbar. I completely understand what you mean, and there should be some variation when we release more units, and show you guys more stuff!
  2. Try downloading Notepad++ of Google, then installing it. Once installed, right click your v3o and open with Notepad++ which might help decrypt it.
  4. Aiken County Submod has been updated with our new screens. If you guys want a support banner if people care enough just let us know!

  5. Rlast

    Bellmoor Mod

    Those are some very cool terraced housing entities you've made yourself there, well done and good luck!
  6. No problem man, here to help!
  7. Yeah, I had the same problem with a vehicle; make sure you open up the v3o in Notepad and change the "______.dds" file to the one you've called it, such as "yellowff.dds" or something.
  8. Aha, common thing for sure! With some modifications they give really useful information about which units to send to a scene. If you just keep practising it should become fairly simple
  9. That's a really great mod you've got yourself there sir, congratulations on all the hard work and I love those Patrol Cars and the State Police at the accident scene
  10. Hey Mindcore, If you want you can come work with us on the Aiken County Submod, I'll mentor you on skinning and a couple of other things Emergency-specific. Secondly, regarding the light bars and such, we have a guy on our team who's an expert on that stuff, so could probably show you a few things, and he also has a huge interest in creating a San Francisco modification so we could definitely move on to that after the development of the Aiken County Submod, if not doing both at the same time. Zach's also practising on his lighting and such so I'm sure he could give you a few tips! If you're interested, PM me and we'll get talking. Regards, Rlast. It would also be great to have the help of a scripter, especially since I work on smaller prop models that you could possibly work with; I can show you the basics of modelling too.
  11. Thank you so much kindest of sirs! It worked for me, and yes I did have to edit the children again but that should've been obvious if they have a different texture! Thanks again.
  12. Hi All, I am currently trying to add a number of the same model of car, namely the NNICO Crown Victoria model. I understand that I need to clone it in order to have a number of separate patrol cars, however I'm unsure as to how to do this and change the textures. Basically, I want it so I don't need to edit all the children again, adding all the doors and wheels. Is there a way I can simply replicate it then get it to change the texture? I don't know how this would be done because I only know you link your car to a model file, not to a texture file. Any help greatly appreciated, Rlast.
  13. Big Update coming on the Aiken County Submod. We're using new NNICO Crown Victoria models to improve the quality!

  14. Hey WFC153, If you buy the combo pack it should work because I believe it just installs the two games in different directories so they're simply separate games. With regards to the language, I'm not sure if it comes in English or not. I wouldn't worry about that though, I personally own the French version even though I'm not French (I do speak quite a bit of French, but it's not as if I'm listening to what they say anyway!) So the language isn't really important, the buttons have symbols etc. so it's easy to tell what's what. Also, some mods simply convert the languages for you sometimes.
  15. Yeh, mods do take time to load but I wouldn't worry about it. I think the LA Mod trumps it with loading times, but remember how Emergency 4 works is basically like having 2 separate games: you have the mod game, and the game game. Any files that the mod maker did not replace will be run from the Emergency 4 default. So when you load a mod it's like you're starting up a completely new game, as most of the files have been changed! LA Mod also has a lot of new scripting, models, and just tonnes of stuff it would take you days to name. As a result, all that leads to some pretty hefty times but some funky gameplay. I remember the first time I loaded it up, I kept thinking my game kept crashing with mods! Just go get some coffee or something ! I recommend the Ukrainian mod btw, been having lots of fun with that one recently.
  16. Thank you Newfoundking for the time you took to write that response, it's very useful INDEED Concerning the poly count on each model, that should be relatively easy to reduce as it's just a case of deleting vertices and making new connections; they were not too high poly in the first place, it's the render in Blender which makes them so darn sexy I have been having a few problems simply converting them to v3o, but that should be solved relatively easily when I have some free time to try and import them to Zmodeler again. I am using a non-registered version, which to my understanding can allow for simply importing files then exporting them as v3o? In terms of adding them to the game all that information will be very useful, and I am of the understanding that adding objects is similar to adding vehicles. I guess placing the models on personnel acts in the same way that placing the children on a vehicle does! I'd love to be able to release this pack as a Christmas present for all you guys, and thanks for all the help everyone has given me so far. However, got some very important exams coming up so during the weeks I've been pretty packed out I'll try to get to work on these again, and hopefully should have some in-game screenies soonish!
  17. Welcome sir to the forums! Just thought I'd point you to the Italian Mod that is currently Work In Progress on this site! I know it's always great to see a mod from your local area (I believe the services in Italy are mostly national, not sure sorry ) or even from your country at all!
  18. Sounds great, I'd take a look at DXTbmp to see if that programme can help you with the DDS files.
  19. Hey Mindcore, word of advice, perhaps don't use the Nvidia plugin as it messes up my DDS files and corrupts them on multiple gaming platforms! Not sure if this happens for everyone else, but would hate to have your awesome programmes ruined by such an annoying bug Anyhow, if it works for everyone else than I'm sure it's just a personal thing
  20. I'm not sure at the moment, but when they're all working in-game and have been transferred to v3o format I can give you a definitive answer! I do believe that, with the help of some scripts for the taser, and the editing of some scripts for the pepper spray, they should be able to work in-game with most modifications. That said, however, there could be unforeseen issues, such as scaling or applying the prop models to the personnel properly. Let's all hope that they work though!
  21. Hey All, Rlast here! I've just started work on a police equipment pack for Emergency 4, which I'm currently texturing and working to get in to the game. As you may know, a few of these models you may have seen before, the taser being one of course! It currently includes a Nightstick, Pepper Spray, Taser and M67 grenade (unrealistic addition )! PEPPER SPRAY Nightstick M67 Grenade Taser
  22. Hi All, I was just wondering if someone could explain to me how to add new equipment to Emergency 4? Is it a simple case of adding the model file to a certain directory, such as Equipment/Police or something, and then importing in to the game like vehicles; creating certain properties, naming it and attaching it to a mod file? If so, it would be great if someone could give me more direction on this, and explain to me the specifics (The models themselves would be for the Police to carry, and possibly terrorists) Regards, Rlast.
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