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    Aviation, Geography and Geopolitics, Graphic Design, French, Modding, Photoshop.

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  1. Deluxe Edition: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-Deluxe-Edition/dp/B000GBPLYI/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1408223102&sr=8-2&keywords=flight+simulator+x Gold Edition (includes the expansion pack titled Acceleration): http://www.amazon.co.uk/Flight-Simulator-Gold-Edition-PC/dp/B001E95V5K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408223233&sr=8-1&keywords=flight+simulator+x+gold There is a non-deluxe 'Standard' version but I wouldn't buy it; you get fewer aircraft, fewer detailed airports, fewer detailed cities, and you can't act as an Air Traffic Controller in multiplayer. Then again, none of those features are really essential at all, as there are many freeware addons to the game as I linked above. Standard Edition: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-X-PC/dp/B000F6Y5IW/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1408223233&sr=8-4&keywords=flight+simulator+x+gold It is of course cheaper!
  2. Amen to that. The detail on that thing is crazy, and the systems simulation is so close to real world operations. LOL Marius, have you seen the DC-9 Payware Addon? EVERY SINGLE circuit breaker in the cockpit works. There's like 200 of them.
  3. In terms of freeware aircraft there aren't particularly complex ones, though the best freeware that comes to my mind is scenery-based. I'll list a few below that I'd recommend, with sunskyjet's KPHL really quite unbelievable given that it's free. Sunskeyjet KPHL - http://www.sunskyjet.com/sceneries Global Freeware Scenery Database - http://www.freewarescenery.com/fsx.html (useful for any country) Global Freeware Scenery (Portugal) - http://www.freewarescenery.com/fsx/portugal.html Liguria Photoreal - http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/1292-ozx-liguria-photoreal-x/ ORBX FTX Freeware - http://fullterrain.com/freeware.html (small American and Australian airports) Piaggio P-180 - http://eaglerotorcraftsimulations.com/fsx_p180.php Boeing 707-300 - http://www.fs-freeware.net/downloads/view.download/2872 Boeing 767-200 - http://www.fs-freeware.net/downloads/viewdownload/7-civil-airliners/3537-fsx-boeing-767-200-er-air-canada-bare-metal-with-vc (this may have FMC) Boeing 777-29M - http://www.fs-freeware.net/item/610-fsx-boeing-777-29m-200lr-experimental-n736fe-package Boeing 757 - http://www.justflight.com/product/757-jetliner-freemium Airbus A320 - http://www.avsimrus.com/f/fsx-aircrafts-79/project-airbus-a320-vc-and-2d-19-textures-27944.html?action=comments Airbus A330 and A340 - http://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=a330&categoryId=&page=4&filename= iFly Boeing 747-400 - http://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/1898/fsx-ifly-boeing-747-400/ Thomas Ruth A300 - http://www.fs-freeware.net/downloads/viewdownload/7-civil-airliners/2337-fsx-airbus-a300-multi-livery-mega-package Thomas Ruth Airbus A380 - http://www.fs-freeware.net/downloads/viewdownload/7-civil-airliners/1688-fsx-airbus-a380-800-full-package-v-1
  4. I like it! No need for a virtual airline to be realistic anyhow, just fun and fitting to what kind of flying you want to do. I know a cool website which you can run your VA on with schedules, a fleet etc. It's free, all you need to do is signup. www.fslive.eu if you're interested Do you run any more complex addons per chance?
  5. I just messed around with the curved pen tool really, it's a very useful tool for making more interesting shapes. You can either paint an area a colour (like black) and then use the curve pen tool to cut some cool shapes out of it, like the white lines in the paint above, or just use the pen tool to make some shapes which you put onto a blank white background. Use this: https://kuler.adobe.com/create/color-wheel/?base=2&rule=Complementary&selected=2&name=My%20Kuler%20Theme&mode=rgb&rgbvalues=0.7,0.2217210780420373,0,1,0.3850699574826194,0.09999999999999998,1,0.3167443972029105,0,0,0.7,0.62840748299202,0.06577113848373262,1,0.9044517204893584&swatchOrder=0,1,2,3,4 It's an awesome tool that means you can get a set of colours that works well together for logos, liveries etc. You'd be free to PM with any of your designs/ideas as I'd be very interested to see. Where's your airline from anyhow? Wouldn't hesitate to lend a hand.
  6. Rlast

    Gandia mod

    They both look v. good, I partciularly like the Citroen Jumpy. Keep up the excellent work!
  7. It looks fantastic Ghost, really like your work.
  8. Just to re-iterate what JrFF34 said, he didn't mean the New Jersey State Police don't have that triangle logo on the door. What he meant was the one they use on the cars is actually very slightly different; the ones you have on them is the one they actually wear on their arms and uniforms. It's just a change of font and word size really, quite pedantic stuff you don't necessarily have to change, but just confirming what he meant. If you look here, it's simpler on the cars than on the officers/banners etc:
  9. Rlast

    Seixal Mod (W.I.P)

    If you are taking the screenshots in the editor, just import a blank white texture as your floor, then you don't even need to waste time editing the photos.
  10. You really hit the rural vibe with those MPPD units, they look fantastic. Out of curiosity, did you make that lightbar on the Chevrolet? Looks awesome and seems really familiar.
  11. JrFF34 helped us hugely with our map for Stillwater. If you want to see his skills you can go to the Stillwater Thread and check out the army base he created. He also created the texture for the Mammoth Lake Sheriff CVPI. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/17912-stillwater-modification-fictional-in-progress/?p=263784 Good luck mate, looking forward to seeing updates
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