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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Helicopter + policemand to other side, talk to the cars that stop on the side to watch, I mean talk to those that get out of those cars and they'll drive away Oh and
  2. lol as sayd: "however i dont remember if in em3 it are the same values"
  3. Its in the same dirs for la mod and if not the game just uses the original ones instead
  4. Not sure of the exact right name right now but it should eb soemthing with vehicle in it, there is vehicle wheels, vehicle doors and vehicle super structs
  5. It should be possible, however i dont remember if in em3 it are the same values
  6. Like you create vehicles but doors & wheels are in objects
  7. Check the editor... Instead of copying manualy use the editor, its much more secure and you can do much more with it, in the editor youll have the function "Edit commands" compare a working vehicle with your vehicle and see whats missing
  8. You gave all the commands to the vehicle?
  9. lol E3p = /Prototypes V3o & DDS = /Models
  10. In you e4p there are the original links to the doors and wheels, if not you must recreate them in editor and addition them whith the "edit child" function
  11. The editor is the tool you need there is a "new", "edit" & "clone" function
  12. No u open them directly with wordpad and u just click on X to close and save thats it
  13. You cant download or install? be clear in what you say
  14. I dont know if it still works, but i remember in emergency 3 that you are able to stop the train by using the stop command of a police officer by standing on the other side of the track
  15. lol emergency 3 in french, good one, no patches Well i heard the German patches should work on the french version but i ain't 100% sure since i do not have it
  16. What version of the game do you have? DE ? FR ? US ? UK ? Did you install the patches?
  17. Is your game legal? Do you use a crack? The ATI drivers you have are from January?
  18. Just see you got this reply from Joe ^^
  19. Whats your path to the emergency 4 directory? And post your logfile
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