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Everything posted by Stan

  1. You dont skin vehicles in zmodeler but in photoshop Zmodeler is only used to make 3D models and to UV map a vehicle
  2. http://www.direct2drive.com/
  3. Well it could be a Vista issue
  4. Stan

    Plz help

    Do what i say is that so hard?
  5. You guys all give wrong critic, the .jpg maps should never have been released to the community. The trailers should never have been made.And i could make a much longer lsit of all that wasn't made if NicoB didnt lsiten to modders.... While all did cost money for sixteen tons
  6. *emergency 4 is redelayed for the US * *still no date for the UK* Iw ant to rememebr that sixteen tons finished all work on emergency 4 (911) In january so it is NOT sixteen tons fault that its pushed back again
  7. If your drivers are up to date, if you have the config file and all patches it cant be emergency 4 either
  8. Stan

    Plz help

    addition -editor behind the startup command of the game
  9. I dont know where you're downloading.... but we never asked people to register ebfore download... http://downloads.emergency-planet.com/inde...=view&id=89
  10. In fact I'll give some more explain about it so everyone knows how the trailer works: You have 3 things - A vehicle with the two commands: Attach Trailer & Dis- attach trailer (lol didnt remember the word for dis-attach ) - You have an object that will be a hook, this object will have a name and thats the place where the trailer will be attached to - You have a trailer that has a name
  11. Yes 64 mb is the minimum for graphic but that minium combined with the ram thats under the minimum, the computer isn't able to handle all information fast enough, what also results in a freeze.
  12. The front truck cant check if the ladder is up since it are two different vehicles
  13. Hi, No it wont be possible because the Trailer is a part appart from the vehicle, meaning that if the ladder is deployed for exemple and you move the ftonr vehicle it would jsut move with it.
  14. Your specs are very very low. I think your graphic card can't handle it But what you can try is put your antivirus software off
  15. Hi, If Zmodeler could import those google sketchs it shouldnt be a problem, its jsut you need to UV map them in Zmodeler then Stan
  16. And there's your problem:
  17. Yes it works, and no, there are no trains in the opposite direction
  18. Oh no? Take an offcer and put him on then track not used by train in the directing where tain comes from, with the stop command
  19. They walk off by their own Just use the same firemen as you used to mount it
  20. yes because they moved the date back
  21. Pyro the rule is for everyone... Use the "edit" button it isnt the for nothing...
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