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Everything posted by Stan

  1. I got some info most don't know so I'll just give it. The two developers that made emergency 3 and 4 are not at Sixteen Tons Entertainment anymore. The first one went missing, they don't know what happened or we'll we don't know The second one left the enterprise But seeing their vacancy's of the past 6 months... who knows?
  2. The screen resolution in your config file is unknown for the game
  3. Since i am in offtopic and the topic will be deleted a day or whatever... lets double post lmao The reason why he does that is because he thinks that if the staff here would be from US, the rules would be different... oh oh wait no he meant it would be rule free Well bud, you signed up and clicked a case, remember it? Suppose you don't but by clciking that case you agreed our terms of service or terms of use however you would like it. And what do we do with people that can't lean? Uhm oh wait, thats mentioned in the TOS too
  4. Not true I got a static IP and will never change even if I reset it 1000 times
  5. Moderators please don't delete it. I approved his topic so that everyone here can see it I did moved it to the off topic section, hit me if you want Pyro
  6. Open your config file and put screenshot on 0 This should fix it
  7. Fixed it Tweaked resolution and contrast for hours and updated to the newest drivers Edit: For more info, contact me Edit2: removed your warnings as noticed they where very old
  8. Please provide your full dxdiag file and logfile
  9. You can try a driver update, but SiS graphics will probably be problematic with Emergency
  10. That' s correct, only the English version came with the blue skins. Let' s wait if someone still have it' s game installed and is free to upload... I have the German version
  11. You installed the mod with the mod installer I suppose?
  12. Looks like you will have to reinstall
  13. Fold the middle mouse button while moving the mouse
  14. Unfortunately, Sixteen Tons never released the emergency 3 maps as jpg or tga
  15. Thats what you get with Aquaplaning and Germany has speed limits on enough places (70, 100 and 120) Know it since my internship is in Germany and drive though Germany all days.
  16. nah that one was working well beside the shitty shadows moving with the screen insetad of the vehicles and what send back due to defect fan. At the moment i got the ATI HD4890 1024MB Asus EAH4890/HTDI TOP Same version but overclocked. But it makes noise when playing the videos of the game and the screen is not stable.... If you stay in front of it one hour your good for an epileptic attack... Ordered this one now from internship as exchange during the card repair: ATI HD4870 1024MB Sapphire GDDR5 1xDVI 1xHDMI TV Retail Before sending it in I will ring Asus and ask them to go an exchange with the new version of the TOP (Has new chips and new cooler) since I suspect the p[robl;ems to be gone then....
  17. Probably the card. I had two HD4890's The first one had issues with the shadows (shadows moved with screen instead of objects) Card: Asus HD4890 The second one made a huge noise when the start videos displayed and had the display go crazy while ingame Card: Asus HD4890TOP I really hope this is a driver issue...
  18. *** EXCEPTION 1 at d:\emergency4deluxe\source\gameengineem4\baselib\array.h (103): Out of memory Please upload your dxdiag file Start => run => dxdiag
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HObhP2wnp98...feature=related
  20. Dude... really...ehm...no...leave it...i got no words ...fine
  21. Are you really that blind? Sorry I couldn't leave it this time... this kiddy shit here begins to piss me the heck off
  22. Not a bug, but a suggestion and it's impossible to do
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