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Everything posted by Stan

  1. What game version do you have?
  2. Stan

    La mod

    Topic moved to LA mod section since this has nothing to do with the site The mod installer telling you that you didn't download properly? As far I remember there is no error message like that So, how do you install the mod? - Download - Unpack the mod with Winzip or Winrar - Open the .e3mod file with the mod installer / or just double click the e3mod file - When prompted, click yes - Load your game - Click on modifications - Click on the LA mod - Click load - Wait till it finishes loading
  3. Oh well I got a hockey stick right onto my face once too, several years ago but since my head is like a donkey sometimes it just hit
  4. I guess you did not install graphic drivers manually? I am quite sure the logfile will show Microsoft Generic Drivers
  5. Haha nice one there I wouldn't have guessed someone would make the relation between the plate and me
  6. Lijkt me zeer onwaarschijnlijk gezien een model uit Emergency nooit zoals het model is in GTA kan werken
  7. Welcome to the forums. I've got to say this is the best idea of the strange mods I ever seen here And I even got to say that an animé mod might be nice If you mean create new models for the personnel, unfortunately this is not possible because of the model animations for the personnel
  8. While being, I need your guys opinion. Do we need a main-site like we currently have? Do we need game infos, walktroughs and screenshots like they currently are on the main site? Do we need a multi lingual platform? (Like the mainsite in more languages then only English)
  9. - Tutorial section has been added I will be moving the tutorials to that section and editing them in the coming weeks - The advertising spaces have been updated Several bugs and additions for me have been made. I hope this fixed the half black screen issie - Updated the ban from a topic option We can now ban members from selected topics without running into errors - Reinstalled the forum icons This did not fix the sub-forums staying unread - Updated the Blue Velved skin to the latest version Fixed several bugs
  10. It literally says operation failed or is it another message? If so, more information please
  11. Hi, Install new graphic card drivers
  12. wow That one looks amazing
  13. Hi, This might hep you: - Black = Normal, no reflection, no transparency - White = Reflection - Grey = Transparency If I am wrong, someone correct me
  14. Funny though this is a rule since the site opened... Right out of the *right now messed up* TOS: I really suggest to not just convert the models above and use them for emergency. I suspect them to be way too high on polygon cout
  15. Only possible if you edit each single car and check the tow box
  16. We had one running under 4Images, never was advertised and used so I shuted it down again
  17. So, I get a lot of complaints about behaviors of some members. I get complaints about moderators. I get complaints about stealing models... I started this place hoping to help people, hoping to create a place where multicultural people, with the same interests, could meet, help and get help. This seems to currently fail badly. Since I am moving house in some weeks, I will resume my restructuring activities in June and July. Those restructuring activities consist in a more simplified and clearer version of the TOS. The current version will stay, but not everything is required for new users and nobody is going to read all of this. There will be a new tutorials' spot, at the top of the forum, to keep the overview and lower the amount of sub-forums. The Dutch and English mod topics got already separated to remake the overview on that place. Right now, there should be no more sub-sub-forums. I will make a list of changes later on, since at this point, I am checking what I can to to repair the image of this site, and to get back the reputation we had in the beginning. Regards, Stan
  18. Are you sure all the editor settings and placements from your truck are correct?
  19. http://astore.amazon.com/emer4organeme-20/detail/B002OPP23Y Should be in English too Ships to the US
  20. New maps have to be done through Photoshop first
  21. Take this as a verbal warning: Writing in caps is sticky forbidden unless it isused in certain cases. Writing full senses in caps do not fall under that...
  22. I might help you once you edited your post...
  23. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.html?ie=UTF8&nodeId=11072971 Take a look here
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